Friday, 19 January 2024

Ripp Grunt- Freshman Year


Here we are at S.S.U in Strangetown at the small rental that will be home to Ripp Grunt.

The first thing Ripp does is choose to Major in Literature where he quickly runs off to class.

Later he popped down to the Campus Coffee house where he was surrounded by girls... clearly they hadn't heard about his failure-to-kiss incident back in Strangetown. :D

Ripp stayed for ages making friends with all sorts of people. Poor Kevin Beare got robbed by the Unsavory Charlatan.

Ripp enjoyed some burgers with Castor Nova.

As darkness set in Ripp found one of these masked students and chatted to him until they were friends.

The next morning Ripp wolfed down a bowl of cereal before heading to class.

He then frequented the Campus Gym for the rest of the day where he made more friends with masked (and unmasked) students. He likes all girls really but took a particular shine to the girl in jeans, Frances Peshterianu.

Later that evening Ripp was woken up by a Limo arriving outside his digs.

He was whisked off to join the Landgrabb Secret Society.

I don't know who is involved (not Ripp) but it's entertaining. :D

Ripp decided to show off his culinary (ahem) skills and make breakfast. 

Perhaps it was because he was the newest member and they felt sorry for him or perhaps they were just really hungry but everyone ate the burnt pancakes anyway.

Ripp thinks it can't hurt to counterfeit a few extra simoleons!

His mood isn't good enough for smart glasses so he goes back to the old Romance say-it-with-a-rose standby for a boost in friendship.

He can use the rewards that are dotted around the place and happily earns himself a creativity point.

He was still at the SS lot when his first final came around. It's fine to go from here but of course anything Ripp earns stays on this lot rather than his home lot (which could do with the funds to be honest)!

Another fight broke out in the kitchen between Merlin and Patrick and Ripp decided he'd had enough for one day.

Back home and he ordered pizza.... but wait...

OMG he looks just like Ripp!

Doppelgänger anyone?

After than uncanny incident Ripp decided to work off the pizza with a bit of skipping.

His good friend Frances came by with one of her cheerleader friends.

Yay Ripp finally got his first kiss!

A little later Ripp made best friends with Erin Singles who invited him on an outing.

Ripp is quite shocked to see Erin with her brother Loki and Nervous Subject as her guests! What an interesting combo. :D

It was a fairly quiet dinner.

You can always rely on Chloe to liven things up though and her and Erin went for another bout of poking and prodding. :D

In fact the fighting never ends this round, once back home Ripp found the Cheerleader and Cow Mascot in full fight mode in his bedroom.

The Cheerleader won, naturally.

Ripp decided to let off steam and play his favourite Sims game. He loved creating new characters and seeing what would happen to them. :D

All too soon it was Final Exam time and Ripp finished the Year on the Dean's list.


It's not as much fun having a singleton in college, dorms are way more fun if a lot more hard work. :D

Ripp didn't exactly have a dull time though, he managed Big Man on Campus, got into the Secret Society and of course has 3 bolts for Chloe Singles, though she barely looked at him during the outing and he does quite like Frances even though she's a 2 bolter.

I'll decide next time around if Ripp will stay in the digs or head to a dorm. 


  1. Yes, a single Sim to play is a lot less challenging than a full dorm or sorority/fraternity house, but Ripp's week was quite action-packed nonetheless. Well done on all accounts - and the Doppelgänger pizza man was really strange!

    1. The likeness was quite uncanny! It's like a secret twin or something. :D
      Ripp did have a pretty good week but I think when you're in a dorm you tend to let life play itself out rather than setting their every move.

    2. Maybe the late Lyla Grunt had an affair, and Ripp's twin is its result... and that affair was the main reason for her leaving her husband...

    3. Glad to see Ripp is having a better time at college. I occasionally play single-sim households but I think they don't really work as well in college. The pizza delivery clone was weird - at first I thought it was Ripp in the red uniform.
