Monday 2 September 2024

Pleasant Family

Here we are back at the Pleasant household for the second half of their week, (the first was played under the Oldie's).

Angela and Lilith do not get along much, they are always prodding or poking each other and yet neither has rolled a wish to leave the nest and head to college.

Their parents, Mary-Sue and Daniel did not follow Maxis desired path for them and are completely in love, Daniel is a Hall of Famer and Mary-Sue is hoping to reach the top of the Architecture career.

Mary-Sue's adoptive parents Herb & Coral also live here.

We start the second half of the week on Monday & Daniel cheered Lilith on when she got her first A+ after school.

Mary-Sue is promoted to Architect's Apprentice.

Lilith met the new Food Delivery Guy Mitch when he dropped off the groceries.

She made a Salmon dinner for her sister and their schoolfriend.

Herb is in an adult career even though I never 'cheated' him one. He got a Chance card which promoted him to Home Video Editor in the Slacker career.

Just after Midnight Daniel got up and I thought he was doing a dance...

but no, it's his Elder birthday! oopsie I forgot. :D

At breakfast on Tuesday the whole family enjoyed (not burnt) pancakes ala Angela.

Mary-Sue is now a Draftsman, ahem-Draftswoman. 

She settled down with her new career reward to draft her first picture.

Daniel arrived home from work with a colleague as the twins came home from work too, Angela with a promotion to Teacher's Aide.

Angela called her boyfriend Dustin Broke up for a home date, 

Herb & Coral were having a PJ date,

and Daniel and Mary-Sue don't really need a date to keep themselves happy.

Lilith, although dating Dirk Dreamer, hasn't rolled any wishes to see him this time and settled for making Spaghetti for everyone.

Dustin dropped off a bouquet of roses for Angela after their dream date.

Mary-Sue framed her first picture... it's of their house of course. :)

After their dream date and a little 'elder' sleep Herb & Coral are back in the yard, her searching for stars and he tidying up the garden.

Wednesday morning started with a smustle for the teens after homework was completed. The adults joined in the fun. 

Mary-Sue is flying through her career and arrived home with a promotion to Architect.

Once again I forgot all about her birthday... :D

Angela made a poor decision on a chance card which resulted in her being fired. That's the second job she's been fired from in less than a week. :D

She and Lilith went to the Main Street Shop in Pleasantview to socialise and get some goodies. Angela met and talked to her cousin Lucy Burb while Lilith chatted to the teller, Armando.

Lilith also greeted her boyfriend's father, Darren Dreamer.

No adult career for Coral though she enjoys her time as a Paramedic.

On Thursday after homework a round of red hands lightens the twins moods before school.

Mary-Sue is an Architectural Partner! I've no idea what level it is but she must be getting close to the top.
She bought Darren Dreamer home and they talked a while before he left.

As Daniel came home from work he spotted Herb & Coral relaxing in the garden,

When Lilith finished work she was followed by the Grim Reaper, she ran down to warn her Pops,

Coral didn't even notice the Reaper floating by, she was too busy dropping off a dream date bouquet for her husband.

But that is Simlife. Herb's wasn't a very long one to be honest but he died a happy Romance Sim and left inheritance to his family and a couple of friends.

His final resting place has some planting to suit, perhaps this will be the new family plot in the future?

This was another fun few days to finish the week at this household. Mary-Sue relied on her family for making friends while she was busy skilling and working.
Neither twin has wished for college at all and so to the next round they go as teenagers still!
It was quite hard having two dates at the same time, Angela/Dustin & Coral/Herb, I had to keep switching between them but as the teens are teens they couldn't have done any damage had it gone wrong. :D

Herb and Coral had a nice time living with their daughter and family and now Coral has some company if she ever realises that Herb has gone!


  1. Aaaw, bye-bye Herb! Hopefully Coral will have a few good "years" left before Mr. Reaper comes for her.
    I love that picture of Daniel cheering for Lilith's first A+; in typical teenage manner, she walks on, probably muttering "Oh Dad, what's the fuss..." and playing cool, while secretly she is happy :-)
    Angela not doing well at her jobs seems so against her "angelic" nature, doesn't it!
    I am really looking forward to playing this family soon, but first I have Jessie Pilferson and then Ashley Pitts on my list.

    1. I think Coral is just 2 'days' behind Herb, maybe 3 so she'll have a few days hopefully.
      Daniel has been a most sensible Dad, :D
      The twins baffle me with their no college choice but I guess it's not for everyone! I think Angela should perhaps not work as she is terrible at chance cards.
      Enjoy your college spell, I always enjoy it when I'm playing.
