Thursday, 25 January 2024

Inada Family


Here we are at the Inada household, I'd forgotten I'd added them to the game and remembered before I got too out of sync in the alphabetical list!

Two townies, Edward and Christy. They don't really know each other and aren't related, save by name of course.

I put them in this little 2 bedroomed home which sits opposite the Green Family in Belladonna Cove.

Edward is a Family Sim with a LTW to become Captain Hero. As that job was unavailable he went to his usual job as a Dive Master for today.

The welcome wagon arrived but no one was home. It's funny that 9 times out of 10 I get these Sims as the welcoming committee.

Christy is a Knowledge Sim with a LTW to be Chief of Staff, she is currently a President in the Business career and after work her colleague Rodney Jung told her how he just happened to be her bosses' cousin and he was going to have a quick word so she would get a promotion next time.

Edward looked for the Law Enforcement career and I noticed something amiss...

Yes, even Maxis get it mixed up sometimes... (the window was the wrong way around in case you didn't spot it). Happily Edward found his career and starts tomorrow.

Christy had a wish to serve up hotdogs.

Edward got a call from a friend to go Downtown and so they both set off to the Crypt O' Nightclub.

Edward met Vivian Cho,

Christy had 'fun' on the dance o' sphere.

Dinner, dancing and making new acquaintances was the order of the evening.

It seems Christy is drawn to ladies though not all of them. 

Edward set off to work as a Cadet on Tuesday morning.

Christy met Ravi Cody, but she really seems to have no interest in men.

Edward got a promotion to Patrol Officer and walked straight back off for the night shift.

His co- worker stayed and chatted to Christy for a while though.

As Dawn was breaking Edward (who'd got a promotion to Desk Sergeant) was sleeping and Christy found the Medical career, she will start as a Paramedic tomorrow.

Edward came home with Jason Cleveland, he's now in the Vice Squad.

Christy enjoys being host and made up some grilled cheese sandwiches.

They had a pleasant evening with Jason.

Edward has shown no interest in falling in love and so maybe he can have an alien encounter? 

Not tonight but there's hope. :)

Christy's cooking skills are improving and she whipped up some omelettes.

Edward got promoted to Detective.

Christy's true passion is Nature. She spent the afternoon tending to the overgrown shrubs.

Edward started to make use of the fingerprint gun.

Christy became best friends with Sandy. When they joined the household they had 6 friends between them already which was a good start.

Edward is still out there trying to find aliens.

Christy's first shift ended in a promotion to Nurse.

After 3 hours sleep, a shower and snack she was back up and ready for another day on Friday where a lucky chance card gave her promotion to Intern and a return home pretty quickly.

So while Edward was at work Christy went to the Finer Fare Market and at Freya's Raiments to make the most of her 'free' day off.

She bought a new outfit for Edward and particularly enjoyed spending time with the dark skinned beauty that is Jordan Centowski.

On Saturday Christy became a Resident.

She walked back off for the nightshift.

She came home to find Edward still stargazing, she is still a Resident but earned 2 charisma skill points from a chance card.

Edward looks much nicer in the suit Christy picked out for him.

On Sunday they went to Central Park West where Christy enjoyed showing off singing and playing piano, she got quite a lot of tips!

Edward was happier to play a quiet game of chess with one of the locals.

They all enjoyed a Giro at the pop up stand.

Christy needed to freshen up before they got home and took a sponge bath.

Ready for her date with Jordan.

pink hearts everywhere!

They toast themselves over their Caesar salads and we will leave them here on their date until next time.


It's funny how you intend to play one way (such as Edward finding his true love) and it ends up being the other (with Christy apparently finding hers).

No luck with the abduction yet but I think I'll carry on that way for Edward unless he finds his own true love over the course of the round.


  1. A good round for the two newcomers! It's a relief that Edward finally walks around properly dressed - wearing nothing but paint on his torso must get quite chilly :-D
    I like checking out townies and NPCs that have become playable, what jobs and friends they have and what is in their inventory.
    Dora Ottomas and her son Peter often seem to turn up together as part of the welcome wagon, but Cyd Roseland has not made an appearance yet in my game, I think.

    1. I'm glad Edward finally got rid of that awful chest tattoo! Neither Sim had anything in their inventories but sometimes you do luck out. It was nice to play Sims I've never played for a change.
