Monday, 8 January 2024

Greenman Family

We are in Riverblossom Hills once again this time to visit the Greenman family who live here in their half glass house which houses an extremely large indoor tree. :)  

Jason is head of the household (although as his wife is the Plantsim maybe this household should be called the Greenwoman house). :D

Jason greeted the welcome wagon of Sanjay Ramaswami, Julien Cooke and Jason Larson.

After her morning swim and settling her plantbaby Daisy at the activity table Rose enjoyed a chatter with Jason.

Rose can either swim, bathe or drink water to keep herself hydrated and bathing or a drink does the same for Daisy.

Mostly the Plantsims love the sunshine and to be outside. 

In Riverblossom the seasons are set at Winter, Spring, Fall and Winter and so there is no Summer here but luckily it's a nice Spring when we start our adventure with the family.

As darkness falls there are lamps inside which helps simulate sunshine and Rose has one above her piano.

Jason is a Knowledge Sim and Rose a Family Sim who both wish to reach their Golden Anniversaries. (Jason must have a secret desire for Family). Jason has a job in the Adventurer career and Rose wanted a job in the Architecture or Education career which were not available in today's ads.
Rose also harbors a wish for a baby but there were no bells on this occasion.

Jason has a pre-locked wish to become a PlantSim so I send him to start a garden early on Tuesday.

Rose and Daisy enjoy the sunshine and are quickly the best of friends.

Wanda Tinker wanders by (see what I did there?) :D 

Jason helps out around the house and happily bathes Daisy.

As a PlantSim Rose is a natural Gold Gardener so does a lot of pruning.

Even at night Daisy enjoys being outdoors and would love to catch some fireflies.

Jason keeps on spraying the crops but no Plantsimism yet. 

On Wednesday morning Rose is once again having fun on her water slide into the pool.

Jason brought his brother Gabe O'Mackey home from work with him.

After chatting with Wanda Rose got the idea to buy a toymaking bench and so started churning out bricks... I don't get it but she enjoys 'petting' them. 

Mary Gavigan walked by and was greeted.

She did stay for dinner with Jason and his brother but chose to sit at the outdoor table out of shot.

After dinner the 6pm bell chimed to indicate it was time for Daisy to grow up, luckily Jason had made a call beforehand to invite more friends over to a party.

Daisy grows from toddler into adult Plantsim with a Gold Gardening badge and a personality to match her Mother's.
Daisy is a Fortune Sim who wants to earn 100,000 Simoleons!

The Roths of Riverblossom Hills are good friends with the Greenman's and it's nice when they all get together.

Rose couldn't wait for the party to end (literally) so her and Jason had a second attempt at a baby... and it worked.

A successful day all around as Daisy had a good birthday party memory.

On Thursday morning Daisy found herself a job in the Intelligence career. With her skills she started as a CSI.

Rose found a job in Education and passed the time waiting for the carpool by making more toys.

A quick nod to the porcelain god showed she was most likely to be pregnant!

But after a quick brush of her teeth she was fresh and ready to go to work as a Playground Monitor.

Daisy worked on some musical skills.

and Jason is now a Deep Sea Excavator, incase you couldn't guess. :D

Rose came home with a promotion to Teacher's Aide.

Daisy is now a Surveillance Operator.

Rose and Jason are Gardening... ahem I mean Rose is Gardening and Jason is playing. ;)

Rose showed the first signs of Pregnancy in the very early hours of Friday morning.

Daisy was at the telescope gaining logic skills for her next promotion.

Rose came home from work on Friday as a Substitute Teacher.

Once again Jason brought his brother Gabe home from work but he'd just been promoted to Relic Liberator,

so he had a quick change of clothes and walked back to work.

no promotion for Jason but a nice new paycheck and Daisy got promoted to Rookie Field Agent and went straight back for a night shift.

Rose thought she'd hunt for bugs but ended up disturbing a bee's nest!

The double shift paid off for Daisy and now she's an actual Field Agent.

The early hours of Saturday saw Rose create her first Jack-in-the-box.

Jason's attempts at becoming a Plantsim have been quite fruitless.

As the Greenman's had a fairly free day (only Jason going to work in the afternoon) they invited their good friends The Roth family over.

Daisy invited the Larson's over too and a lovely day was spent socialising, eating and dancing.

In the very early hours of Sunday though we find Jason sprinting down the stairs to be by his wife's side....


Two boys both with blue eyes but different skin tones. They are called Forest (I was thinking 'green') and Cosmos (my favorite summer flower). :)
Jason set to work on gaining a new skill...

before heading off to work as a Dread Pirate. 

While Rose stayed home with the babies Daisy needed some time to herself to meet some new people.

She got along famously with Peter Sims and before long they were enjoying a friendly pillow fight.

Poor Gilbert Jacquet was not so lucky and got very easily distracted and robbed by the nefarious Unsavory Charlatan.

Daisy saw everything and reported the robbery. I think the outcome is that the Unsavoury Charlatan lays low for a few days.

Jason secured his final promotion of the week and will go to his next shift as a Warhead Disarmer! He's earned 10K now.

Of course he brought his brother home again... they share a bit of gossip about Betty Goldstein.

Daisy invited Jules O'Mackey to join them for dinner.
 Jules is Jason's niece and Gabe's daughter, of course.

and after dinner is over and Jason is sleeping, the Sims who don't sleep get childcare duties! 


This was a fun week at the Greenman's. They are a very sociable family, I feel as if Rose is known by everyone in town as she has lots of neighbours in her friends panel. 

I don't know why I'm shocked when I have twins (so frequently!) in my game, but I am always shocked. As Rose is a Family Sim I didn't even give her the 'boost' for Twins, so go figure.

Rose and Daisy are very alike! Except Daisy has 'elf ears' which is the only way I tell them apart. Daisy has a slightly more pointed face I suppose too. She did make some good friends and really liked Peter Sims so time will tell if she's ready to move on next time. 


  1. An eventful week! No summer in Riverblossom Hills? Is that your setting or the game's default one? I can't remember.
    The twin boys are a surprise, and as fully "human" children, they will of course go through all age stages, unlike Daisy who went straight from toddler to adult.
    Love the picture of Rose on the water slide!

  2. The game is set at having no Summer in Riverblossom so I left it that way... 2 winters back to back should be fun. :D
    I was interested to see which skintone Rose's babies would have as I know if she's a 'human' she has a dark tone. (Riverblossom is my 2nd fav hood (after Strangetown) and I once played through 5 generations there. :)
    I'm loving being back in this 'hood but next back to Strangetown!

  3. I never played Plantsims, but the baby is adorable! Its a pity they don't have a child stage, that would have been cute too. Is their toddler stage longer than that of an human sim? I feel like the lifespan overall would be too short with child and teen cut out.

    I just checked and apparently there are Plantsims in TS3... I want to keep my main hood as a 'realistic' world but I'm tempted to start a side hood and experiment a little...

    1. I do love Plantsims, I had a house once with many generations in! Saying that though they are fairly singular in their ways and likes (no sleep, eating etc) .
      Their toddler stage is just the same as normal Sims though I feel they are 'born' with more skills, but I can't quite remember.
      Oh yes I'd like to read that when you do it :)
