Wednesday, 31 January 2024

Kat Family


We are staying in Desiderata Valley to visit the home of Tara Kat.

It looks so great from the outside and inside is quite tiny! The odd shaped lounge doesn't hold much furniture due to the angled walls but it seems this is the 'cat room' as their beds and scratching post are in here.

My biggest peeve is the one step foundation outside... not good. :D

I added a third pet bed too as there are 3 cats here, the newest is kitten Faline along with adult cats Mickey and Samantha.

Tara is a Family Sim with a lifetime wish to have 3 children graduate college! 

The Welcome Wagon consisted of Julien Cooke, John Mole and Natasha Una. They stayed a while and Tara felt one of the two men might just be Mr Right, but John Mole didn't like any subject Tara talked about and Julien was quite indifferent.

Tara instead took herself to the Frippery Frock where she enjoyed hotdogs and company of these two chaps, no big bolts of lightning though.

Next she visited Fresh Rush Grocery Downtown and as soon as she walked in the door she spotted this rather nice looking man.

A quick scope of the room showed Tara to have 2 bolts with him and once she found out his name (Zack Barakat) Tara felt it was fate. By the time she was ready to leave pink hearts were popping up everywhere.

As she left she saw Count Phil Bradshaw having a bit of a go at poor Dora Ottomas. No 'biting' occurred but I wonder what set him off?

It was a very long day for Tara as she'd spent so much of it out and about that she fell asleep in her supper.

On Tuesday, with no desire for a job Tara started digging in her garden, she found a small cat figurine and burst a pipe.

Thankfully the cats all get on well, they do all love to 'Yowl' and Tara had to get Samantha to eat pet food and not human food but other than that they are fairly well trained.

Woo! That's 5K in the funds.

Tara asked Zack on a date, they went to the Diner.

 They shared their first kiss. Zack is a Knowledge Sim. It's interesting that Tara has 2 bolts for him seeing as her likes are black and brown hair. :D

Back home and Tara had to tell Mickey off for something, Yowling probably. Doesn't matter how may times she encouraged them not to, they still do it. 

On Wednesday Tara decided as she had no income and really had no idea if Zack even had a job (she hadn't broached that subject yet) that she would find Pet jobs for Mickey (Showbiz) and Samantha (Security).

She started training Samantha to 'Stay'. Mickey already had the skill he needed for his first promotion.

Tara asked Zack on another date, this time to Bernard's Botanical Dining.

They had such a lovely evening and a tad too much fizz that Tara threw herself into Zack's arms.

He happily accepted her proposal.

Wasting no time after ending the date Tara went straight to St. Simius, bought a cellphone and rang Zack to come over.

He dropped the 'Bara' from his name and became Zack Kat. Sounds cool.

They enjoyed a nice after party with Cake and Champagne.

and even chatted to a few new neighbours.

Zack brought 7K to the house and a couple of inventory items which once sold fetched another 4K, giving them some 17K with the treasure chest sold as well. They added a bedroom on for themselves behind the living area.

Zack is also a Counterfeiter in the Criminal career which I think is rank 8, he's on 1,064 a day. His Lifetime Wish is to max his skills (he already has very decent Body, Charisma and Creativity) and he brings 4 friends to the house.

He and Tara tried, and tried, and tried to make a baby! It took many attempts. :D

In the early hours of Thursday Samantha made a poor decision at work and got fired after her first shift. 

Tara noticed that the Garden was getting overgrown and messy so spent some time tidying and chopping back shrubs.

She made a fresh salad for lunch.

Zack already owned the Career reward for his job and he worked on the skill he needed for promotion.

Poor Tara felt quite ill after eating the salad. Maybe she hadn't washed it properly?

Zack maxed his Creativity and set off to work.

Tara spent the day training up Mickey.

She stopped Stephen Tinker when he walked by and invited him for lunch.

Zack got promoted to Smuggler where he's now on the night shift. He later got a chance card which earned him a 50K bonus! 

He helped teach Samantha to Speak.

meanwhile outside Mickey had befriended a local wolf... he was called Gilbert. :D

Samantha awoke Friday with a shock!

She really fancied some Chicken soup.

Zack is so excited to be a Dad, he can't stop talking to and rubbing Tara's bump.  

Tara let the cats know they are still her babies too although Faline had just grown up. Tara found her a job in the Service career and enrolled Samantha back in the Security field.

Another exhausting day sees Tara collapse into her dinner.

It's Sunday and the first day of Winter, Zack was using the boost of Autumn to help with his skilling up until then. They used some funds from Zack's bonus to upgrade the kitchen.

It didn't take long for Zack to max his mechanical skills.

He reached the dizzy heights of the Criminal career when he became a Criminal Mastermind.

Samantha also got a promotion. 

Finally Zack 'got fit', he'd had the wish locked since he moved in midweek. 

and around 9pm on Sunday night Tara went into labour.

Yay it's a girl! 

Just one... whew. 

They changed Tara's old room to make a nursery.

Welcome to Kitty Kat. (Had to be done) :D

They are so happy they want to have another one!


Turned out to be a fun week at Tara's especially once she met Zack. It's funny how they have 2 bolts for each other yet nothing in common according to their turn on/off's.

I'm seriously considering moving them for their next round as the house really is a bit small for them all and now they have the funds too thanks to Zack's bonus.