Thursday, 30 November 2023

Gavigan Family


The Gavigan family are Nathan and Mary and little Isaiah. Here they are moving into their new apartment in Belladonna Cove.

Their apartment is quite spacious, it occupies half of the first floor, the Baldwin's are on the other half of the floor. It's a little gaudy in colour for my taste but it will do for now.

Nathan was happy to move his family into a new fresh neighbourhood free from the Smog of the big city.

He is a Fortune Sim with a lifetime wish to be a Hall of Famer, he loves travel and exploration.

Mary is a Family Sim who wishes to reach her Golden Anniversary, apparently she enjoys mending cars although she won't be able to pursue that particular hobby here at the apartment.

Isaiah has a mix of both parents, he is artistic with a flair for fixing things. Mary helped him with his homework straight after his first day at school.

Nathan had a wish to get Isaiah into the best school and so straight after homework the Headmaster arrived for a visit where he explained to Isaiah what a great Musical program the school had for gifted students.

A successful visit gave Nathan a good boost of aspiration.

Nathan had a wish to buy a toy bench and whiled away some hours.

Chatty and friendly Isaiah brought home a friend after school.

As Nathan was having no luck with the Athletic career Mary took a job in Science to make ends meet.

Part of her first paycheck was spent on some new clothes for the coming Autumn season at I N Clothing and Apparel in Belladonna Cove.

She got a promotion to Lab Assistant the next day.

Nathan enjoys playing with his son and helping boost his fun before school.

He chats with a townie walking by.

Isaiah got his first A+ on Thursday.

Nathan finally found the Athletic career and immediately worked on a body skill.

He'd worked out so hard he fell asleep in his dinner.

He went to knock at a neighbour's door...

His good friend Benjamin Baldwin lives here with his family.

Poor Nathan had waited almost a week to find his dream job only to be fired after his first shift!

Isaiah made a friend on Friday.

Nathan paid the overdue bills later that day.

Thankfully he found the Athletic career again and after work came home with a promotion to Rookie.

On Saturday morning Isaiah made best friends with Stephan, the little friend he bought home after school earlier in the week.

Mary is cooking up a storm...

It's the Saturday gathering for the neighbours and she wanted to bring a plate... a good chat was had by all and Isaiah and young Marcus Baldwin are getting along well too.

Later on Saturday a much longed for trip to Three Lakes was scheduled. The family are camping at the Axe Woods Campground.

They dug for treasure...

and found a map to a hut... much as they befriended Bigfoot here they did not get the chance to ask him to move in.

There was more 'swimming' than log rolling...

and plenty of fish were caught even though it was into Winter the lakes never froze over.

After one day trip the family were attacked by bees.

But a trip to the spa helped soothe the stings and Isaiah even learnt a new dance from the locals.

He also enjoyed a hefty stack of pancakes.

The family spent a lot of time fishing.

It's not just fish in this lake.

Mary and Nathan were almost on a second honeymoon, they couldn't keep their hands off each other...

and later... :D

Sleeping on a hard floor does nothing for your back and Nathan's masseuse worked out the kinks in no time.

The last day of the vacation loomed and the family once again found themselves around the lake.

Typically Isaiah spotted a really big fish poking its head out of the water just as he had to leave!

Back at home the next morning Mary ran straight to the bathroom!

Isaiah caught up with Marcus and told him all about their trip.

While Nathan returned home that day with 2 body skills from a chance card, a promotion to Starter and a friend!


Most of the week was rather dull with work/school and the endless trudge up and down the apartment stairs... I think I shall move them to a house next round.

The holiday was fun though and gave them all (perhaps Mary more than most) a good boost. Yes she is pregnant with her much wished for child.


  1. It doesn't look dull at all! Love the picture of Isaiah spotting the fish just as he walks by carrying his suitcase.
    Nice that the Baldwins are next door, and the two boys get along well.
    Have you ever had Bigfoot move in? I haven't, I think, but I have read that it can cause problems with the game. So maybe it's better they didn't get a chance to ask him!

    1. I did have Bigfoot move in once in Pleasantview wishes but I never really played him much, he was well skilled/badged up and never caused issues to my knowledge. I was just trying to get the travel book token I guess.

  2. Ah, I wondered if Mary would bring home a 'memento' as soon as I saw what happened in the tent! Looks like overall a good week for all, although I did feel sorry for Nathan losing his job so quickly

    1. Yes life isn't perfect for us and it's no different for our Sims eh? :)
