Thursday, 23 November 2023

Dreamer Family

Here we are at the Dreamer house. Widow Darren lives here with his son Dirk.

While Dirk was at school Darren went to his loft Studio to do some painting. He really wants to find a job in Architecture as he feels he could improve things a lot in Pleasantview should he become the City Planner he so desires to be.

After school Fortune loving and friendly Dirk brought home his friend Sophie. Dirk would love to become the Hand of Poseidon.
After Sophie left the Headmaster was called and arrived at the same time as...

Cassandra Goth, who showed Darren just how much she liked him whilst Dirk gave the Headmaster a tour of the house.

 The happy couple soon declared themselves in love and decided to wait no longer to be together.

Finally Darren can pay some bills without worry!

oh dear... I guess 'living in sin' was not high on the Headmaster's priority list for a suitable family... :(

Quickest-Headmaster-visit-ever. :(

Darren helped Dirk with homework and assured him that the next time the Headmaster visits it is sure to be a success. 

While Darren helped Dirk Cassandra found Don lurking outside and they have a confrontation....

Which ends in Cassandra giving Don his marching orders....
Engagement... OFF. 

and mere seconds later she is engaged to Darren.

    Darren knows that Cassandra is desperate to be a Mother who wishes to see 3 children graduate from college!

wow, that worked fast.

Still no Architecture for Darren and so he enlisted himself and Dirk into the Military career. Both had wishes for jobs.

Meanwhile the funds from Cassandra's arrival meant they could upgrade the house to nicer decor & furnishings. The Kitchen/Diner,

and the Lounge area, Dirk's bedroom and Bathroom all went shades of blue.

Darren came home from work with a cold and Family Sim Cassandra made some comforting soup to heal him. 

Which worked just in time as the family walked off to a community lot...

They were met by Mortimer Goth,

at St Simius!

Yes, it's now official, meet the new Mr & Mrs Dreamer.

One for the album. :)

Oh dear, it looks like the ghost of Darleen is not happy about Cassandra joining the family.

I don't suppose she'll be impressed with this much either!

On Wednesday Cassandra helped Dirk get his fun up before school. 

Darren swept the yard of the fresh autumn leaves.

Poor Dirk got fired after a poor decision at work.

He went for a stroll in the park and met a new friend which improved his mood.

Back at home Darren set fire to the dinner, well he's an artist not a chef.
Luckily the fire alarm alerted the fire department and no harm was done.

 The Headmaster arrived just after the fire (thankfully) and I had to wake a napping Cassandra to make a new dinner while Darren showed the Head around the house.

A much improved visit made Dirk a very happy student when he was accepted.

As he and his Dad celebrate with some fun Cassandra is thinking of adopting,
one baby at a time Cassandra please!

Dirk put on his smart new uniform the next day and went to private school.

After which he brought friend Randy home and couldn't resist sharing a bit of gossip about Cassandra.

Darren finally found the Architecture career on Wednesday and after his first shift on Thursday got a promotion to Brick Layer.
Cassandra meanwhile is still in the Science career and is now a Science Teacher.

Dirk found Military again and set off for a shift.

His new found Private school and boost in job level culminate in him reaching overachiever status after just one shift.

In the very early hours of Friday Morning there are patters of tiny feet... 

EEKS...maybe a stampede! 
Yes it's twins for Darren and Cassandra! A boy and girl called Dean & Danielle. :)

For now the loft space is emptied a little to house 2 cribs.

Once again Darleen appears to show her displeasure... does she feel that Dirk is being neglected?

Things couldn't be further from the truth though, Cassandra is always on hand to help with Math problems,

and Dirk enjoys his social life immensely, he's always bringing a friend home from school and on Saturday he went dancing with Lilith Pleasant.

They fell in love.

and Dirk enjoyed a catch up with his buddy Keith.

Another promotion for Darren,

and Cassandra.

In the middle of the night Dirk made a frantic phone call...

oh no.. a Burglar!

He annoyingly stole a nice painting but was at least apprehended!

The commotion woke up Darren and Cassandra who sobbed for a moment over the break in.

But it gave them more time to teach their newly grown toddlers some life skills!

A little later on Sunday Cassandra and Dirk became best friends.

Almost a week after the break up Don was still stealing the newspaper!

But Darren doesn't care, he has enjoyed a fabulous week!

I really like the Dreamer house and the Sims who live in it! I've never had Cassandra and Darren as a couple before so I'm pleased it worked out this way.
I wasn't expecting Twins but then I never am.. :D 
It will help with Cassandra's LTW though. :)
Dirk wishes for college and will head off there next time.
The Headmaster visiting at the same time Cassandra moved in was not planned and clearly did not go down well.. funny though. :D


  1. What a whirlwind week for the Dreamers! I love that last picture of Darren showing his happiness.
    Odd that the headmaster left without even a chane of anyone giving him a tour - he must be a VERY conservative man.
    Twins for Darren and Cassandra, that's great! Does Dirk count as Cassandra's child, too, now that they are marrired? It would mean she does not need to have more kids since she "only" wishes for three to graduate from college.
    The house looks very nice after the makeover!

    1. I certainly don't remember seeing the Headmaster disappear so quickly before, lesson learnt not to have Sims multi task in future!
      I think they have to be Cassandra's children rather than step-children, but time will tell. :)
      Thanks, as the Dreamer's wear blue I figured they could have the house to match. :)

  2. Wow, that was quite a ride! I'm glad everything went so well for them - even if Darlene and Don aren't. Its a good thing Cassandra didn't adopt, though - imagine three babies/toddlers to care for. Cassandra and Darren married and had kids in my game, too (Richmond started out as Pleasentview), their son and grandkids are still a part of my story.

    1. Cassandra and Darren have never been together in any version of my game until now and I am excited to see where life leads them!
