Friday, 8 December 2023

Gieke Family


Here we are in Desiderata Valley at the home of Chester Gieke.

I liked this home (from Belladonna Cove) so recreated it here for Chester.

It's very sparse as you can see but it has potential.

Chester is a Knowledge Sim with a lifetime wish to become a Criminal Mastermind.

Currently though he wishes to join either the Medical, Science or Gamer career but none are in the ads for today.

Chester stuck around at home for the morning and at lunchtime met the Welcome Wagon of Peter Ottomas, Hannah Bell and Trisha Traveller.

After he said farewell he went to the Mostly Modern Art Gallery as he had a wish to meet someone new.

He scoped around the room and found a few ladies that he quite liked although none with great attraction.

He stuck around until nightfall though as it's always handy to make a few new friends.

Back at home the next morning he got a nice boost of aspiration when he earned a cooking skill.

No jobs again today so Chester went down to the Simoleon Arcade in Bluewater Village.

He met and instantly liked Stacy Butler with whom he has 2 bolts.

He enjoyed a game with Florence Delarosa but couldn't find a single subject they agreed on to chat about.

I have to say Chester is throwing up some very 'Popularity' Sim wishes, he's very sociable this week!

Thankfully on Wednesday he found a job in the Gamer career and set off to earn some simoleons.

It always feels good to get that first pay cheque!

Chester decided to eat out that night.

Alone though as Stacy was at work when he called to invite her, but he met a couple of new chaps he befriended after dinner.

On Thursday after work Chester invited some friends over for a party...

Stacy was among them and they had some good fun learning how to Smustle.

Chester asked Stacy to move in.

She changed her hairstyle and added a pair of glasses to increase her and Chester's attraction to 3 bolts.

It certainly was an outstanding party.


Stacy is a Family Sim with a lifetime wish to Marry off 6 kids! Her and Chester immediately set about trying for a family.

A couple of days passed with work/skills and early on Sunday morning the couple went to the Frippery Frock to buy some new clothes.

They then went to St Simius!

Mr and Mrs Gieke.


It's good that Stacy finds Chester so attractive... they are going to be making lots of babies. :D

For now though they can enjoy their wedding breakfast and cake.

It seems one of the locals has caught on to the fact that the Unsavory Charlatan is amongst them and asks Victor Bell to call the police!

The Gieke's were oblivious to the goings on at the other tables and only had eyes for each other until it was time for some speeches. 
Stacy stood up and thanked everyone for coming.

Then they went back home, not in their wedding finery but the casual clothes they had purchased ready for Autumn.

We leave them on Sunday evening still trying for a baby!


Chester's week flew by with being a single sim even though he had one or two friends over every day, he managed a few promotions but with all the excitement at finding Stacy he never even though about the Criminal Career... he can check that out next time.

Stacy hasn't got pregnant yet but hopefully will do in the next round. 


  1. Stacy and Chester make a cute couple! Good job you let her buy new clothes - her original outfit is one of the ugliest ever seen on a Townie 😂 (I know, I‘m so shallow.)
    I miss St Simius in my current game, maybe I should reintroduce it to my neighbourhoods.

    1. You are right about the outfit.. I do have lots of 'Maxis, what were you thinking?' moments!. :D
      You had a wedding at a lovely community lot in one of your recent stories which I very much liked (and must steal). :D

  2. Aww they make a cute couple! I like how you kept their colors when you changed their clothes. Will be fun to see how they get on as parents - hopefully soon

    1. Thanks Blackcat, I did consciously make it that way with the outfits but most of the time forget. :D
      I'm excited to see how their lives pan out. :)
