Saturday, 18 November 2023

Dosser, Mickey- Freshman 2

We are here at La Fiesta Tech University to play Mickey Dosser... he's in his second semester of Freshman Year and the first did not go well. Mickey is on Academic Probation, his GPA is only 2.0 but he doesn't care much. He's just here to meet girls and have a laugh, his LTW is to have 20 simultaneous lovers which naturally makes him a Romance Sim. Let's hope he's not too lazy to make the effort eh? 

Mickey lives in the campus Frat House called Oresha-Hoh-Var.

His fellow housemates are Popularity Sim Guy Wrightly whose family have owned this campus home for generations. He's in his Sophomore Year,

Also living here is Matthew Hart, a family Sim in his Freshman Year.

Mickey made the effort to get the skills he needed for class and declared Art as his Major.

He invited his current crush Jessie Pilferson and the other girls from the Sorority over.

It doesn't take much of an interaction for Mickey to fall in love with Jessie.

As Mickey helped himself to pizza Matthew autonomously went in for a kiss with Sarah Love.

A sudden scream from behind him saw Mickey turn to find Jessie very sour faced...

She appeared to have caught Matthew 'cheating' on her!

She gave him a hard slap.

They all settled down to eat pizza like nothing just happened although Matthew sending red hearts at Jessie in front of his girlfriend Sarah may just start the fireworks again. 

Mickey decided to take Jessie to his room before any more drama happened.

Where they made a little drama of their own.
Number 1 Woohoo for Mickey.

Weird and inappropriate for not only Guy but the campus Streaker to just barge in and STARE, I mean... STOP IT. :D

After a hasty goodbye to the 'stalkers' (and Jessie) Mickey grabbed a slice of pizza, it's in abundant supply here as one or other of the boys is always disappearing off lot and coming back with free pizza.

Mickey had just finished laying down some garden plots (He also loves Nature- y'know, as well as girls) and had the urge for a date so he called the Matchmaker.

Well he could only afford 30 simoleons!

He got Danielle Lillard, a townie but seemed quite happy and turned on the charm.

So much so that Danielle became number 2 woohoo for Mickey.

She even left him a gift of a nice vase that he has put into his inventory.

The next morning the guys went off to their final exam.

Mickey passed the semester and is no longer on academic probation! His grade still leaves much to be desired but it's rising, albeit slowly. His GPA is still 2.0

Mickey decided to celebrate with another date...

He was matched with Laura Curtin the local Chinese food delivery lady.

Why is it that as you are leaping into a potential lovers' arms that the Campus Coach comes up to you and starts yelling about your lack of fitness?

As you can see Mickey gladly ignored him and soon found himself in love with Laura.

Number 3 Woohoo for Mickey.

You can tell it's a student house from the way nobody cleans... anything.

They may not be clean but they certainly are sociable and enjoyed hanging out with Zoe Zimmerman when she stopped by. They are now at level 5 in their Greek House.

Mickey splashed out on another date...

She is Lora Suwankira, fellow student or Campus Streaker normally? Not quite sure.

Either way she became Woohoo number 4 for Mickey!

The next day after classes the boys decided to check out Downtown at the Hans' Trap Door Corp.

They chat a while but there's not much happening and so they move on...

back to Campus and to the Cacti Café.

Where Mickey met and bought Miranda Capp a cup of coffee.

Back home at the Frat House Matthew did some minor repairs to the shower..

Whilst Guy finally cleaned the bathtub!

and Mickey earned a Bronze Gardening Badge.

Of course you can dodge the inevitable for so long but it's always going to catch up with you,

and the Campus Coach had Mickey doing a whole load of sit ups,

and even made Guy do some star jumps!

Luckily they were saved by the (school) bell and had to head to their final exam!

Where this time Mickey managed a B grade! He's now got a GPA of 2.5 so it's crawling up, slowly. :D

I decided to play a whole 'Year' even though Mickey is on an uneven timetable... he's now just finished Sophomore 1 really because I was having so much fun with Mickey and his dates that time just flew by
The whole Jessie/Matthew/Sarah thing is weird as when I played the Sorority House I didn't notice any slapping but then maybe Matthew wasn't that interested in Sarah back then.

This is a nice house to play but next time I may make it a little more open plan for ease, especially between the kitchen and dining room. 


  1. That was a fun read! Mickey is the same in my game - aspiration, LTW, Arts major, everything. And the same weird situation with Matthew and Jessie!

    1. We certainly mirrored each others' play with Mickey & Co! It was a fun two semesters. :)

  2. There is some weird stuff going on in that household! It's never boring playing college students, at least, and it made for fun reading. I never played this college in TS2 so I'm enjoying the chance to get to know them

    1. I always enjoy the college experience, especially in a dorm where so many things can happen, but a multi household is just as much fun!
