Wednesday, 15 November 2023

Delarosa Family

Welcome to Bluewater Village. It is attached in part to Riverblossom Hills and we are here at the home of Florence Delarosa.

Florence is a Knowledge Sim with a big wish to max all her skills, she has a Bronze Floristry badge and few skills so I set her to work at the logic table.

Florence is the resident Florist and she has a home business selling her wares.

Her first customers are in fact the welcome wagon consisting of Malcolm Landgraab, Stephen Tinker and Lisa Ramirez.

Also present at the opening of her shop is the journalist sent to review the business. He seems mean and no amount of chit chat makes him smile. :D

Florence goes about her business while he makes lots of notes.

The register is the biggest nightmare of business I find... it takes so long to get one customer through a transaction.

but worth it to get her first simoleon award which Florence proudly displays right next to the till point.

Patience is not one of Malcolm's virtues it seems...

I mean check out that face. :D

After closing even though she's exhausted Florence starts to restock the shop.

She manages a rest and some food before trying to gain a body skill before the shop opens again.

She also has to replenish the products that were sold, some of which were created by her.

A younger set of people are in for the next afternoon... 

amongst them is Sandra Roth.

by the end of the day it's like a teenager's hangout.

After what feels like another brief sleep/shower/eat Florence is back at the Register the next day and Sandra Roth is back to buy more goodies...(Don't these kids ever go to school?!)

The reviewer is also back... so far he's made lots of notes but hasn't made a comment.

After a few days on the till Florence finally has a Silver Register Badge which reflects on the faces of her clientele who seem much happier.

On Saturday Florence has to get off the home lot before she (ok, me) goes crazy. She met and chatted with Rose Greenman.

She's at the Bluewater Baths & Salon and asks for a makeover...

and is thrilled with her new hairstyle. 

She then wandered off to Amelia's closet to purchase a new outfit.

Much nicer.

Florence enjoyed talking to other customers far more when she wasn't badgering them for sales. 

She even tried (and failed e.g. burnt) to make some hotdogs...she is literally living off pizza at home.

Later that evening she served Morty Roth.

and another successful day saw her replenishing stock once more before she collapsed exhausted into bed.

On Sunday barely before Florence had been open an hour she got this notification!
It was only when I looked around the lot that I realised the outdoors was a complete overgrown mess full of old newspapers, holes dug by stray dogs and lots of weeds and I think it was this that caused the bad review as everything was in order inside the shop.

So Florence ends her week calling for a Gardener!


This was a brief week (Weds-Sun) as I couldn't cope with playing Florence's lot any longer. I've always found her lot hard work and this week was no exception! It's a constant exhausting battle with just one sim that she barely had time to think let alone skill or meet friends or anything else. 

I'm looking forward though to seeing what happens in subsequent homes to see if she meets anyone interesting that may take her away from this lot!


  1. Ha! I was just about to start my game when I spotted your latest post on my blogging dashboard - guess what, I have just one day left to play of Florence's week!
    She looks really sweet with her new hairdo, doesn't she.
    Running a business and taking care of their own needs plus looking after a household and garden is too much for one Sim. Hopefully, she'll do better in the future - maybe she'll have changed tack by then and won't even have the flower shop anymore.

    1. PS: Malcolm's face is priceless! I have seen this expression on Sims a few times in my game :-)

    2. Yes the TS2 Sims' expressions are the best out of any of the series I still think.
      I should have folded Florence's business but as I hadn't played one yet I thought I'd give it a go... it just reminds me how I'm not cut out for business. :D

  2. I loved running businesses in TS2, but its really hard to do with a one sim household - especially with the garden, too. In TS2 I moved Florence to a different house with a smaller yard, and reopened her shop on a community lot. It was easier to play that way, and easier to eventually sell the business to someone else.

    I hope your Florence can make some friends when she's not playable - it seems like that might be the only chance she gets.

    1. Sounds like a good plan, I have to admit Business is my least favourite part of TS2 although I have worked several in the past, I must try harder with Florence!
