Wednesday, 30 August 2023

Caliente Family

Here we are in Pleasantview again, this time at the home of the Famous Caliente Sisters! Nina & Dina.. one loves Love and the other loves Money.... or do they?

Redhead Nina is of course a Romance Sim and wants to become a Celebrity Chef, whilst her Blonde sister Dina, a Fortune Sim wants to be a Space Pirate.

When the lot is open Mortimer already comes by of course. I have Dina greet him even though I've no intention of fulfilling her 'Marry a Rich Sim' wish. I don't want her life to be that easy. :D

Dina however does have a wish to have a baby.... hence why she has invited Mortimer to join her...

Meanwhile Nina is downstairs watching the Cooking channel oblivious to the goings on in her bed!

Although she did hear lots of strange noises...

Much... much... much later (5 times if we're counting), Dina finally heard baby chimes and said goodbye to Mortimer.

"Have you ordered that pizza yet? I'm starving!" said Dina...
"It's 5 minutes away", said Nina... "enough time for us to find jobs". (Strange but true especially for Nina to want to work). :D
Dina found a job as an Ambassador's Intern in the Adventurer career, whilst Nina took a job in the Slacker field.

ah pizza... I know Dina's bio said she's a fan of Chocolate but secretly I think it should have said pizza.

Nina is already asleep as she's up to be a Golf Caddy at 4am tomorrow and Dina is working on a body skill when she spotted a lone figure through the window....

The Burglar has the nerve to start creeping upstairs but Dina grabbed the phone and called 911...

Officer Demi Love came and started wrestling with the bad guy...

He won the fight and ran off though... empty handed I'm happy to say.

Nina was oblivious to it all and went off for her early shift.

Dina didn't sleep much but was ready for her first day on the job.

Nina's early hours meant she could come home, do her own thing and practice the cooking skills she so craves...

As one sister heads to work another heads home... but with a large surprise!

See, I told you she loved Pizza!

Nina got a promotion and decided to spend her bonus by calling for a blind date...

She got delivery man Mitch.

They had some laughs...

Some serious moments...

and even some fun...

Dina meanwhile was getting bigger by the minute.

"you know this whole 'eating for two' thing is a myth right sis?" said Nina...
"I can't help it, I'm starving all the time" said Dina. 

In really gross and never-seen-before-by-me news... Dina actually woke up in the middle of the night to break wind...
really, not kidding. I thought she was going into labour early or something when she woke up, or that someone had rang the doorbell. 
I blame the pizza diet. :D

Nina also woke up early (not for the same reasons) and came downstairs to find her sister's ex-husband's ghost (Michael Bachelor) in the living room.

She wasted no time gossiping about it the next day to a townie.

or to her friend Cassandra Goth when she came for lunch.

Later that day...

Dina gave birth to a little girl.

"Yay a Baby!", what are we calling it? I mean her..."
"I'm calling her Lissa... like Melissa but without the Me". 

The only place I could find room in the house was to use the little balcony at the front of the house which flows nicely into Dina's room anyway, so it was converted into a nursery for Lissa. 

After very little sleep Dina decided to work off that baby weight... 

and gave Lissa a hug before work.

Nanny Kendal was hired, she was highly recommended by Dina's friend Brandi Broke.

Dina was pleased she could go to work knowing her baby was in safe hands...


A promotion and a silly outfit.

Having Kendal was great though as it gave both Dina & Nina chance to skill without worrying about the baby...

"*&*"^"%$%  "KENDAL!"

Occasionally of course Dina had to be a parent and do the jobs she hated so much... 

and then it was back to skilling....

Nina got a big wish fulfilled when she 'got fit'.

She loves to bake...

and made a special cake for her niece....

Happy Birthday Lissa.

Dina is exhausted poor thing... she is determined though to teach her daughter all the right things.

and finally on Sunday she is a Dread Pirate... she goes off to work in her most stylish outfit yet, having bribed paid Kendal a very large tip to be attentive!

So far it's kinda working....

as for Nina... well she and Mitch are getting ever closer!

It seems that both Nina & Dina are pre-programmed to want to skill! It was actually hard to get them to wish for anything else.
Dina really struggled with her pregnancy mood and her breaking wind was pretty funny having never seen it in that scenario before.
Nina didn't particularly have any Romance wishes and I thought the date might change that but it didn't really.
It will be interesting after a whole round of Pleasantview before we are back here to see how things may change next time around.

Now we are leaving Pleasantview for a while and moving on to Veronaville to start the lives of the 'Capp' families!


  1. Your Caliente sisters have had an interesting week! Mine got only one day in so far, it's been a busy week here.
    That Dina woke up to break wind... never seen that in my game before, either!
    I wonder if the sisters' wishes for skills have something to do with the season; was it autumn? And romantic wishes usually are more prominent in the spring.
    Little Lissa is a half Goth... I wonder whether Cassandra and Alexander are going to meet their half-sister.

  2. I think it was probably Summer going into Autumn so you could be right about the wishes.
    I've never had Dina & Mortimer have a child before so I thought it would be different and I'm looking forward to seeing her grow up and hopefully meeting her half-siblings.
    I'm actually quite a few houses ahead with gameplay... just behind with blogging. :D
