Friday, 18 August 2023

Broke Family

Here we are in Pleasantview at the Broke Household. Brandi is a recent widow and Mother to a teenage tearaway and a toddler and is also (secretly) pregnant once the game begins.

This is Brandi's modest trailer... you can see the swimming pool at the side where her husband died in mysterious circumstances. There is no pool ladder nor gravestone.

Brandi first wants to teach young Beau to walk.

Dustin plays on his pinball machine to increase his fun.

Then catches the bus to Sim City High School.

Brandi is a Family Sim, her LTW is to reach her Golden Anniversary, which is slightly simpler than the last time I played her and she wanted to raise tons of puppies! She is outside meeting and greeting passing neighbours' and stops Craig Ray for a chat.

I'm not sure telling him you're pregnant is the best way to open a conversation though Brandi!

Brandi (and Beau) are outside for a reason, and that is so I can rebuild the lot. 
Did you know that if you removed the pool, foundation, walls & floors you can bring Brandi's funds up to just over 5,000 Simoleons!

I haven't deleted any furnishings, windows, doors or plants.

Young Beau has fun catching Butterflies while his Mum chats to Craig and his Controller rebuilds the house. :D

Here it is.. a modest bungalow.

Inside from the left is the kitchen, Brandi's Bedroom, a lounge area, bathroom and two bedrooms on the right. I changed the colour of the kitchen table, added different chairs (cheaper than the originals) and a desk.

Brandi was soon 'christening' the toilet in her new bathroom.

Dustin bought Angela Pleasant home from school and fell in love with her.

Brandi had shown wishes to get a job and so she found one in the Military and arranged for a Nanny.

As soon as she got off the 'phone her pregnancy revealed itself. Not sure her new  employer will be so pleased that she'll immediately be entitled to Maternity leave/pay!

She and Dustin don't have a very strong relationship as yet but was happy enough to help him with his homework when asked.

Dustin is great with Beau though and took him to his birthday cake.
"No! Don't touch the candles Beau"!

Whew... all fingers intact.

"Do my fingers look blistered Mum?"

Beau was happy to share his Mum's bed until he gets one of his own.

Ahhh, perhaps Dustin was being so helpful because he intended to sneak out with Angela in her Dad Daniel's fancy car.

oh dear... it didn't go quite as planned.

Officer Demi couldn't wake Brandi up so made Dustin sweep the leaves in the yard as punishment.

Brandi was up early the next day for work and walked right off the lot in her nightwear just at the Nanny arrived.

Dustin mulled over his recent troubles whilst enjoying a bubble bath.

"One of us has got to learn to cook Bro!"

"Agreed... I'm sick of drinking from a can".

and talking of cooking skills...Brandi snagged herself one with a lucky chance card.

She got a promotion too and held Dustin's school bus up, for an hour. :D

Not that he was particularly celebrating, his grades were still not great.

Brandi managed to serve up some pork chops but then promptly fell asleep in hers.

Her promotion got Beau his own bed though,

and an Easel for Dustin.

The next day Brandi had just said goodbye to a friendly chap called Christian Love,

when she went into labour in the kitchen!

A Son named Alfie was born on Wednesday. Brandi looks like she is going to drop him.

Thankfully the nanny, who is amazing- (she cleans and everything)! was on hand to take care of Alfie.

Dustin finally got an A+, he is turning his life around what with his grades and his part time job after school.
Brandi is no slouch either, she became a Drill Instructor.

Dustin bought his friend Ricky Cormier home and entertained him, for tips of course- he's not a Fortune Sim for nothing!

Brandi made a much needed friend for promotion.

Dustin reached the top of his teen career and got his overachiever status.

Brandi helped Alfie grow up to toddler on Thursday.

She taught him to talk.

Dustin taught him a nursery rhyme.

on Friday Brandi reached the rank of Junior Officer and along with it earned herself 5,000 Simoleons.

Young Beau enjoys spending time at the activity table with his best buddy brother Alfie.

Beau meanwhile hasn't seen Angela for a while, she hasn't walked by or called and he has shown no real interest in calling her either. He chats instead with fellow teen Sophie Miguel.

He and Brandi put her career reward to good use while Beau did a spot of yard work.

Looks like Brandi won this round.

ah, Dustin got very quickly sidetracked when Angela suddenly walked by! Maybe he does like her after all!

Over dinner that night Dustin and Beau became best friends,

as did Brandi and Beau.

On Saturday Brandi hired the nanny and took the boys Downtown for a spot of shopping and lunch.

Dustin met David Ottomos.

Later that day Dustin found himself an expensive vase while digging for treasure, then sold it and bought a telescope.

He was rudely interrupted when two stray dogs started fighting in the yard.

Brandi decided to try some daytime stargazing on Sunday but all she got was a telling off from Mortimer Goth.

and later that day young Alfie was taken to the cake...

for his birthday into Childhood.

and there ends the week!

This was so much fun to be back at the Broke household and so much went on, Monday was particularly action packed this week.
Funny how the police officer doesn't go into the house anymore to wake the adult when a Teen sneaks out- I'm sure they used to.
Brandi is still undecided on a prospective husband- she doesn't have much attraction to anyone so far but she didn't meet many people Downtown. I may need to use a hack to allow more Sims on lots because I only seem to be getting one or two each time.
Dustin hasn't rolled many wishes to go to College so we'll see next time what happens.

Next though we are back to Uni to visit Ty Bubbler.


  1. Thank you for a fun chapter! Just yesterday, I managed to play the Brokes until Saturday of their week; one more day for them and I will have it written up, too.
    Nice idea to build a better house for them. You will see what I did to free up some money. Interesting to see what Brandi‘s third son looks like in your game. Some things that happened with the Brokes in your game are similar to mine, but there are differences.

    1. I always find Brandi's house a little easier at ground level!
      I'm looking forward to reading your version very soon! :)
