Friday, 4 August 2023

Bell Family

Welcome to the Bell Family. Living here are Hannah, her husband Issac and their son Daniel. They are greeting Hannah's sister Sharon Wirth, who has just moved in with them.

They live here in this fairly large house in Desiderata.

Hannah has a wish to become a World Class Ballet Dancer and as she is in that career path she will work towards that goal.

Sharon is in the same career but wishes to be the top of the Entertainment career. We will see if she finds it this week.

Issac is a Popularity Sim who also wants to be a top Ballet Dancer, he is currently a Mime in the Entertainment field- again we'll see if his career comes up.
He meets and greets the welcome wagon of Marcel Jocque, Sanjay Ramaswami and Peter Ottomos.

Sharon is a Romance Sim who is always happy to meet new people even if the conversation doesn't always go her way.
Family Sim Hannah (out of shot) made the Comfort Soup.. which is good as no-one has any cooking skills yet!

Later that day Sharon's friend John Mole invited her family out for the evening. They went to the 50's diner for some fun.

Daniel didn't appreciate his Aunt dragging him in the photo booth for a picture.

But Sharon knows that great pictures bring back great memories. 

Burnt pancakes for breakfast once more. :D

Hannah sets off to work as a Sim Jazzer Instructor.

Sharon welcomes Natasha Una as she walks by.

Then started in her new career as a Birthday Party Mascot in the Entertainment field.

Issac is now a Lounge Singer and is busy making friends for his families' promotions on his day off.

He runs out and greets all the Sims who walk past.

Of course it takes Hannah an hour to celebrate coming home from work. :D
She's now a Pop 'n' Lock Performer.

Sharon asked John Mole on a date.

They had fun screeching karaoke and dancing but there's no real spark between them.

Back at home and Issac starts working on a cooking skill whilst Hannah helps Daniel with his homework.

The next morning everyone is up in the extremely large home gym dancing and working on skills.

Sharon gets promoted to Mime then walks straight off the lot for another shift...

and comes back as a Lounge Singer.

Takeaway night as cooking skills are still pretty dire. :D

Daniel chats with some friends before asking them over to his house...

For his birthday party on Friday! 

Here he is... he rolls Popularity like his Dad but he wants to reach the top of the Entertainment field, like his Aunt. 

As the party ends Daniel has already found a teen career as a Gamer.

His parents seem to be having a celebration of their own... in true Family Sim style Hannah rolled a big wish for a baby once Daniel grew up.

At the weekend Daniel made a friend.

He headed off for his new job.

But promptly came home a short time later when a poor decision got him fired.

Aunt Sharon however is flying through her new career and became a Round Table Knight.

Daniel went to the Spark! Sports Park with his friend the next day to shoot some hoops and have some fun.

and in the early hours of Monday morning... Hannah woke up with a surprise!!

Wow... another pregnancy that I'll have to wait for ages to complete! 

This was a fun week.
Lots of wishes to skill which is why the week was a very work oriented week! I am only doing one 'big' wish a day but mainly it was for skills even for Romance Sim Sharon!
 House is a bit cramped but I'll probably jig it about when the family have more funds.
Issac found his job in the Dance field on Saturday and is a Sim Jazzer Instructor.
Hannah is now an Interpretive Dancer.
Sharon is a Tap Dancer. Got to love the crazy costumes in the Entertainment field!
No job for teen Daniel at the moment.


  1. The Bells had a great week as a family, and a lot going on career-wise. Also, three visits to community lots! I like it that you sent Daniel out on his own with friends, as he would do as a teen.
    Once his sibling comes along, the house will definitely need some rearranging.

    1. It certainly felt like a busy week! Sharon was happiest going out even though no one really took her fancy, she doesn't seem much like a Romance Sim.
      Daniel will hopefully go to college next round but yes the house isn't arranged in the best way for the existing Sims. :)
