Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Ruben, Joshua - Senior Year

Here we are back in Strangetown at the Sim State University for Joshua Ruben who has just become a Senior. He's here with his fellow Frat Bro Kevin Beare.

Joshua is a Fortune Sim with a lifetime wish to have 5 Top Businesses! He will need to earn some cash before he can think about that and for now will concentrate on his remaining college life.

Another Frat Brother is Castor Nova, he has just asked his friend Merlin to become a pledge.

It's even better when you get a neat-freak Pledge! They love to clean. :D

Of course even Pledges have to eat and when the cleaning is done Merlin had some dinner with Joshua before he left for the night.

Merlin is back the next day and met the final Frat brother Ty Bubbler whilst doing all the assignments left out for him.

In no time at all Merlin joined the house as a fully fledged member and moved in. Of course now the guys will have to do their own cleaning and assignments.

Merlin Louie is a Knowledge Sim who wishes to be a Media Magnate, he is Super Neat, Active and Nice and should be a great new member of the house, he chose Art as his Major.

Joshua maxed his creativity some time ago and has been working on selling a masterpiece ever since. Will this be the one?

Kevin had just earned a Silver Badge in Floristry and was rudely interrupted by a fight that started in the garden.

Between the Cow and Llama mascot of course, the Llama mascot was in the hot tub at the time hence no costume.

All the guys are working on some skills, Merlin of course loves to skill and seems to be flying through his. Castor is working on his term paper.

This is Merlin without his silly Secret Society hat. :)

I've been notoriously late at paying bills during this round and luckily remembered to direct Joshua to pay them before the Repo guy came and (god forbid) took their punch bowl or bubble blower. :D

Another Secret Society member and best friend to Joshua, Charlie is the newest Pledge.

Although he graduated last time Ashley Pitts often came along when a mutual friend was invited.

Even though he's no longer a pledge Merlin loved to clean his bedroom window.

Joshua finished the first semester with flying colours.

Ty wanted to throw a Toga party!

oh dear, there's so much drama going on I can't keep up, I think there is a Ty/Martin Ruben/possibly Merlin/Heather thing going on. :D

oh and now Uma the Cheerleader has slapped Ty. 
I'm guessing Ty started it all. ;D

of course some sneaking off happened as is normal during college parties but it was Castor and his long term love Allegra. Incidently Castor has a 'cheated on Allegra' memory from having an 'affair' with Brittany Upsnott... I think maybe they flirted at some point. 

No sneaking off for Joshua but he seemed rather taken with Uma.

and regardless of the goings on earlier Ty and Heather clearly had some fun.

The next day Joshua sold his first masterpiece!

Castor maxed his creativity.

and Charlie Dallas moved in as the newest member of the house.
Charlie is a Romance Sim who wants to Woohoo 20 Sims, unlike Merlin he has a pitiful few skills. :D

The guys invited the Sorority girls over as well as Martin, Jane & Allegra and a few friends.

Yet another fight broke out.

oh! I don't know what happened here between Castor & Tiffany Sampson... but it seems Allegra is so indifferent (or blind) that she didn't even notice. 

The next morning Castor got to know his newest house mate over breakfast.

The new guys are enjoying bringing new furnishings to the house, we've had several remote control cars (no thanks!), a tv (in Joshua's backpack) and some chairs.

and here is Joshua, all Graduated!  Summa Cum Laude and a perfect 4.0 GPA.

No Frat boy can Graduate without his guys giving him a good send off and even Ashley made it for the party...
Joshua got his flirting on with Uma the Cheerleader,

which upset his housemate Ty!
Ty too had just graduated but with a 3.9, maybe he's a bit jealous that he didn't get top grade, or that he has to stay in college a while longer, or maybe he and Uma had a thing that I forgot about? 

but regardless of that nothing was interrupted for Joshua and Uma and Joshua had his first woohoo here in college.

It's nice that he and his brother Martin's relationship has grown so well that Joshua chose Martin to share his Graduation picture.

Moving to Strangetown and the newest 'Bella's Belles Townhomes' I let fate decide which of the 4 places Joshua would pick, and as he knelt to smell the flowers at the 'white' house, this is now his new home.

I'd already added the essentials (and some extras) to Joshua's backpack and his first wish was to find a job in Architecture, which he did and this is where we will leave him until the next round.

Another fun round at Uni, it won't be long before the original guys all leave the house.
I'm trying to think of Businesses for Joshua which is why I haven't rushed into it and he will need funds for an outside property as I won't try jinxing an apartment as a home business, they are bugged enough it seems!
I wonder if Joshua and Ty will repair their relationship or is his new home destined to forever more have its trash kicked over?
Will Joshua and Uma become more or is she destined to stay a Cheerleader in college forever? 


  1. Phew - an action- and fun-packed round for the boys! Nice to see that the fraternity will keep going even after that original "brothers" have all graduated and moved on.
    Joshua did really well with his studies, creating a masterpiece, having his first woohoo and even moved into his new place where he found a job instantly.

    1. PS: Love the graduation pic with his brother!

    2. Joshua did well considering that for the first of his 3 college years I barely controlled him save for assignments and the odd phone call. It will be nice though to see these boys finally out of college!
      Isn't it funny how Joshua really does look like the 'big' brother compared to Martin. :)
