Tuesday 15 October 2024

Roque- Gunnar, Senior Year.

Here we are in Veronaville's University to catch up with Gunnar Roque as he embarks on his Senior Year at La Fiesta Tech. You can see his grade is not great, he has a 2.6 GPA, we'll have to see if we can improve that a little during his last year. You can see I changed Gunnar's major from History to Literature as History wasn't really his thing.

We've been here at the 'Shifting Paradymes' house already this round for his housemate Jasmine Rai's turn.

and his other housemate is Zoe Zimmerman who Gunnar has the hots for, in fact Gunnar has the hots for any female given that he's a Romance Sim. He fancies himself as a Rock God though.

But still Gunnar's major wish is always to woohoo and so he enjoyed his first woohoo with one of his Secret Society friends.

Not being the faithful type he readily accepted his Cheerleader friend Katarina's offer of a date- and more!

Of course such public displays of affection come with serious painful side effects if Mrs Crumplebottom is on the lot at the time. Ouch.

Jasmine still enjoys playing her music and Zoe is there to cheer her on, maybe this time the entire household will find time for some band practice.

All that lazing around and watching tv (Gunnar's favourite pastime it seems) does lead to some good things as he has a penchant for the Cooking Channel. 

and all that working out was good for Zoe giving her a super strong body.

Gunnar wanted to try roller skating... did it make him super strong? hmm maybe, he did fall over a lot.

Zoe had long ago locked a wish to join the Greek house and invited the Sorority Sisters' over.

After using the smart glasses on each for an interaction or two she was quickly granted membership.

Straight after they'd left Jasmine then called and asked to join (she too had the wish locked) and was also accepted.

Gunnar was just happy adding notch number 3 to his proverbial bedpost.  

But it's a win for Zoe too as she made a best friend with Laura when she emerged from Gunnar's room the next day.

Jasmine got a shock when the resident streaker appeared as she was checking herself out in the mirror.

and for Gunnar it was a little too much to see first thing in the morning!

Still Gunnar sat his first exam of the year where somehow this semester he managed to raise his grade to a 3.0

He celebrated having band practice with the girls! 

His culinary skill has improved and he made pork chops,

ready for his buddy Mickey Dosser and housemates who came over, and Mickey bought his friend Jess Pilferson too.

They stayed until late, enjoyed the pork chops, and Zoe made a best friend in Matthew Hart.

Gunnar went back to the Secret Society where he resumed his search for the one... or maybe just the next one. I forget her name but Gunnar has some real attraction to her.

The next day suddenly Katarina came in and started slapping Gunnar around...

ah, because he'd just asked Calista on a date and she happened to arrive at the exact same time Katarina turned up (uninvited, I might add).

That's number 4 for Gunnar. 

I got quite worried when Jasmine made Crepes! Luckily this round she didn't set herself (or anyone else) on fire!

All the housemates are very sociable and keep up with their friendships, Zoe got a good boost of points for having 10 best friends.

Gunnar invited his SS friend over and tried to improve their relationship with smart glasses.

I find it hilarious that he is making out with said person while his housemates are practically fainting over him on the other side of the room!

Randomly Gunnar had a wish to fall in love with Professor Witney. 
He obviously had an ulterior motive as she is in fact his Major Professor and so he buttered her up with words and smooches.

and that led to this! Gunnar actually finished college and Graduated with a 3.2 GPA. I barely recall him doing any work although of course he did attend class.

Now that Gunnar will be leaving the girls felt it was the right time for them to move too, so they called cabs and left to join the Sorority house.

Gunnar still had some unfinished business and that was to make it up to Katarina, who was incessantly kicking over his trash can.

yeah, it's fair to say their friendship is back on track!

There was nothing left to do but for Gunnar to call a cab and grow up. 

He took one last look at his Uni house before getting in the cab,

only to arrive at his new home, the City Centre Lofts in Downtown Veronaville where we will see him next round.

A good finish for Gunnar I think and timed well for Jasmine and Zoe to move to the Greek House as most of the existing members will graduate/leave during DJ Verse's turn.
Gunnar really does like Katarina and the blonde SS member, he has 3 bolts with both, will he pick one next time and settle down or is he destined to be a Bachelor?

1 comment:

  1. A fun round to read, and to play as well, by the looks of it :-)
    The city center lofts suit Gunnar, I think. It'll be interesting to see who (if anyone) he'll settle with eventually. Three bolts are hard to ignore!
