Friday, 25 October 2024

Roth Family

Here we are in Riverblossom Hills at 208 Welsh Lane, the home of the Roth Family. This house is a mirror image of the 'Goth' house in Pleasantview with slightly less Gothy decor. :D

Meet the family- we have Mum Stella who is a Popularity Sim with a Lifetime Wish to be a Media Magnate, she is already in the Journalism career and is a Year Book Supervisor which is level 1.
Her daughter Sandra is a Family Sim who wishes to become Captain Hero- she has a teen job in Law.

Dad Morty is a Knowledge Sim with a lifetime wish to become a Space Pirate. He is already a Relic Liberator in the Adventurer career which is level 5. Xander, the youngest is still a child who 'wishes to be an explorer like his Dad' some day.

As Stella left for work inheritance kicked in for Morty, Sandra and Xander from Betty Goldstein. Morty's dad who was called Cassidy had a sister called Annabel (Goldstein), which made Morty & Betty cousins.

The kids' left for their private school on a very wintry Monday morning.

Morty wasn't working until later so he spent the morning working on some skills for promotion.

He had time to meet and greet the Welcome wagon of Herbert & Faith Goodie and Cyd Roseland before they said their goodbye's and Morty left for work.

Sandra brought a friend Jane Mace home from school and they settled down for a game of chess.

Stella and Xander arrived home at the same time, he with an A+ report card and her with a promotion to Blog Writer.

Xander's new friend Polly Ottomas came home with him from school.

Morty was the last to come home and with a promotion to Dread Pirate.

They enjoyed a late family supper of Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.

Once Jane had left Stella and Morty settled down to help the kids with their homework before everyone went to bed.

Tuesday was a Snow day!

That's a 'yay-I-don't-have-to-go-to-school' face!

Xander who is a nature lover, spent his morning outside catching bugs,

and even petted a stray penguin who was waddling on by.

Sandra wanted to brush up on her cooking skills and served up some pancakes,

then before both her and her Mum had to work, she improved on her body skill (she loves Fitness) while Stella started painting (she loves Arts & Crafts).

Xander had greeted a neighbour and brought them in for a game of chess while Morty continued skilling as he had the day off.

After their shifts Sandra was promoted to Law Firm Receptionist and Stella is an Internet Movie Critic.

Morty invited Lisa Ramirez over as he needed some social interaction and they were soon best friends.

and Xander ended this Tuesday by starting some fruit and vegetable plots in the greenhouse.

On Wednesday morning they shared a nice family breakfast.

Sandra got her A+.

Xander cooked his first successful Muffin from his new toy oven,

and Morty earned his first 5K by becoming a Warhead Disarmer.

After her work shift Sandra decided it was time to go to college so she waved goodbye to the family and called a taxi.

Here is she is newly grown into a young adult and joining the dorm of Jacob Martin, Jules O'Mackey and friends where we will catch up with her next.

Stella added some new furniture to the dining room on Thursday.
Xander brought Molly Ottomas home from school where they soon made friends.

No promotion for Morty but he did bring Jason Greenman home.

They watched Xander and Molly playing Marco Polo for a while before it started snowing again and the kids had to come out of the pool!

Xander soon got warmed up again though in front of their nice toasty fire.

On Friday Stella made friends with the postie William Enriquez while Morty met a townie called Charlie Tang.

Xander and his Dad are best buds.

and the new Fact Checker Stella is best friends with her co-worked Patricia O'Mackey. 

On Saturday Morty got a promotion to Hostage Negotiator and earned 10K.

To celebrate he took Stella and Xander to the Oresha Family Dining where they enjoyed a game of Moshulu and a nice dinner.

Stella is not only best friends with Xander but on Sunday morning she made best friends with her daughter Sandra too who called from college.

After a good few days of working hard in the garden Xander obtained his Bronze gardening badge which means he can plant some new things.

From Hostage Negotiator to International Sim of Mystery, Morty is flying through his career,

As he had chance to walk back for another shift for a few hours he spun into his new 'Mystery Man' suit and walked off.

A little later it was birthday time for Xander and Stella had thrown him a big party.

Just then Morty arrived home with a promotion to Space Pirate, his LTW complete now that he reached the top of the career.

He just had time to rush in the house and see Xander turn teenager!
Xander rolled Knowledge like his Dad but wishes to be the Hand of Poseidon, which fits in quite nicely with his Nature loving personality.

Xander finished the week by making a best friend of his sister Sandra, who knows what college contacts he may need if he decides to go next time!

A very enjoyable round at the Roth's, who I haven't played in forever. 
It was fairly work/skill oriented but they also made quite a lot of friends as all their personalities make them quite social.
It'll be a run of college next as I play Sandra, then off to Strangetown S.S.U for the Ruben brothers!


  1. The Roths! Maybe you remember that they inexplicably disappeared from New Maximiliania, even though their character files had never been touched by me. It was great to read through their week, and I am really looking forward to playing them again after YEARS!

    1. I do remember how your Roth family in your original New Max disappeared, I bet you can't wait to play them and I'm looking forward to reading their story when you do. :)
