Monday, 12 February 2024

Landgraab IV Family


Here we are at 74 Gondola Way in Bluewater Village (which is attached to Riverblossom Hills in my game). It's quite a Mansion.

It's the home of Malcolm Landgraab IV, a Fortune Sim who has a wish to be a Criminal Mastermind! Quite fitting given his mean persona. He didn't find the career today and usually when I play him I go straight to his businesses but I have decided to forgo them this round and see what happens.

Malcolm does have 2 employees, one for each business and he spends time chatting to both Tazama Peshterianu (a surname I seem to have a lot of this time around) and Jenna Kalson until they are friends.

The single most irritating thing about Malcolm's house is that everyone goes to the side door on the 'garage', and after the welcome wagon of Checo Ramirez, Daisy Greenman and Trisha Traveller have spent the day (until Malcolm befriended them all- who said he was mean? Oh yes it was me!) I removed the door.

Malcolm got invited out to the Crypt O' Nightclub on Monday night by this chap who immediately asked Malcolm if he'd like a blind date. Why not? Malcolm thought.

Malcolm's blind date is Jane Copur who Malcolm instantly had 2 bolts with, even though his likes are formal and underwear.

They had a really good dinner and date and Malcolm seems quite the smitten kitten.

After the date ended a (very stinky by this stage) Malcolm stuck around befriending as many Sims as he could see.

He even had a go on the dance O'sphere and got fit (even though he fell flat on his face many times). By the time he went home Malcolm's friend count was up to 8. 

and that was Monday :D

On Tuesday still no Criminal career but Malcolm was satisfied with taking a job in the Athletic career for a nice boost to his mood.

He worked on a body skill and gained a logic skill when he did the Sim Times Crossword.

Another wish fulfilled when Malcolm bought a cheap(ish) car.

He carpooled to work though and came home first shift with a promotion.

He was able to walk back to work and gained a second promotion before collapsing into bed.

On Wednesday after work Malcolm had the urge to take Jane on a date.

I rarely see a Sim who wishes to 'toast' with champagne.

So he did it in style at Londoste with Jane.

A backrub had Jane falling in love with Malcolm.

and some fun was had in the back seat of his car. :D

Malcolm asked Jane home and proposed as soon as they got there.

Then he picked up the phone and whisked them away to Takemizu Village.

At this point Jane is just a 'guest' so I have no control over her.

Malcolm decided to quickly remedy that and they got married at the Lake's edge in the Lucky Shrine Park.

Jane it seems has fulfilled her 'marry a rich sim' wish that I never knew she had. :D

Now she is playable Jane can have a new look and clothing.

The honeymoon was full of lovely memories... trips to unknown places...

a sneaky bit of fun... :D

and much relaxation and conversation.

The Ninja was found by both Malcolm and Jane but he did not think either worthy enough for learning the art of teleportation.

Back at home later on Wednesday.

Jane is a Fortune Sim who also wishes to be a Criminal Mastermind! She has a decent set of skills already and adds 2 friends to the house. She is currently a Science Teacher and will stay in that field as the Criminal career is still not available. Incidentally the second computer was in Jane's backpack.

They use their time and extra boosters (and Autumn) to earn some more skills.

Over dinner Malcolm told Jane he is happy for her to do whatever decorating she wishes to make herself feel comfortable.

After work the next day (where Jane earned 2 skills from a chance card) she moved the Grandfather clock into the hallway as she was fed up of being woken up by it!

She carefully wound it and it stayed standing!

The bedroom had a little makeover making it slightly 'warmer' in tone, still waiting on a delivery of pictures (or for them to roll the wishes!).

Malcolm and Jane had enjoyed a date night at the One-Twenty-Five-Cafe where they ate lobster and had more fun in the car.

After which Malcolm worked on his body skills though his diving needs a little work.

On Friday morning Jane found herself running to the nearest bathroom.

Malcolm hired a butler!

He certainly has his work cut out in the garden, it's still Autumn and at the back there are a lot of leaves to rake.

Finally on Friday night the Criminal career appeared alongside a little 'bump' for Jane and Malcolm.

So on Saturday morning they both started as Pickpockets. 

They both returned home with promotions to Bagman and could go straight back to work, which they did.

Both came home after the double shift with promotions to Bookie, poor Jane was exhausted and barely made it to bed.

She got up long enough to have breakfast with her husband then decided to stay in bed for the day while Malcolm went to work.

Malcolm came home with a promotion to Con Artist.

He made some calls to his friends to re-establish his friendships while Jane emailed a few of her friends.

They shared honeymoon memories over dinner...

and at 10.25pm on Sunday evening Jane went into labour.

A daughter Olivia is born to finish the week off here at the Landgraab household!

This is the first time I've played Malcolm without sending him to his businesses of which he never rolled a single wish.
Malcolm always had the wish for a Far East holiday and I was going to send him alone until he had the blind date with Jane who is a very good match for him, their personalities are almost identical.
I'm looking forward to coming back here to see how little Olivia's life turns out. 


  1. Jane and Malcolm really are perfect for each other, he was so lucky to have been offered that blind date with her by a townie!
    Their bedroom looks much better now, and I am sure as Fortune Sims they will roll wishes for pictures, sculptures and so on soon enough.
    So much happened in that week, with little Olivia's birth right on the last day.

    1. Yes I think Malcolm was lucky to meet Jane and in spontaneous circumstances it felt like the sort of thing a rich young man would do! He probably didn't expect to be so taken with her though.
      I didn't think that Jane would get pregnant this round at all as nothing happened on their honeymoon but perhaps then she wasn't really considered to be a part of the household until they got home.
      Little Olivia is blond and blue (or grey) eyed like her parents and will probably be just as mean but I'm looking forward to playing them all again. :D
