Thursday, 8 February 2024

Kim Family


Here we are in Strangetown which is the location of the Kim Family, adults Robert & Cynthia and their young son Justin.

Their home is called The Nuclear Nest and it is a nicely laid out home inside and out.

As it's Monday Justin walked straight off to school while the adults gave the pets some attention, Dalmatian Gabby gets praise for not breaking stuff from Cynthia and black cat Cheech gets the same from Robert.

Robert is a Fortune Sim with a lifetime wish to Earn 100K, he wished for a job in Business and found that career straight away so off he went while Cynthia was on the phone.

Cynthia is a Popularity Sim with a lifetime wish to become a Media Magnate. She didn't find the Journalism career today but made friends with college student Heather Huffington whom she'd met previously.

Ever the gracious hostess Cynthia invited in Sanjay Ramaswami, Julien Cooke and Cyd Roseland when they called to welcome the family to the neighbourhood.

Robert brought home a colleague Kitty Stratton while Justin brought home a very average grade card.

Gabby is Justin's dog and so Justin takes responsibility and gives Gabby a good walk after school.

He then got homework help from Robert while Cynthia prepared supper.

Cynthia and Justin become best friends over the family favourite Spaghetti. 

On Tuesday morning Cynthia found the Journalism career and went off to work.

For an unknown reason Nervous Subject came by and stole the newspaper!

Cynthia got promoted to Blog Writer and walked straight off the lot for another shift. Robert is an Executive Assistant and brought his colleague Ally Despret home.

Justin came home from school with Luna Curious.

It didn't take long for the youngsters to become friends.

Robert got Gabby nice and clean in the bath. 

Both Gabby and Cheech have pet jobs, Gabby is in Showbiz and Cheech is in Security.

Cynthia came home and tucked Justin in, she didn't get a promotion but did bring her colleague Peter Ottomas home and they chatted a while before he left.

On Wednesday before school Justin taught Gabby to 'Speak' so that she may get to become an Understudy. 

Cynthia had the day off work and taught Cheech how to 'Speak'. Guess the pets will be chatting to each other now! :D

Cynthia worked on a skill for promotion,

and learnt how to make Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.

Robert got a boost of aspiration for earning some money.

He told Cynthia and Justin how soon they may be able to afford to go on a nice holiday somewhere.

Getting caught up in the moment the adults had some fun in the hot tub. ;)

Thursday started with Cynthia burning the breakfast.

Cheech thinks about Cynthia a lot...  I wonder if he's thinking about whether she's thinking about him?

hmmm, don't think so Cheech. :D

It seems like she's going to be having greater things to think about. 

Justin finally came home with an A+!

He arrived home the same time as his Dad who'd got promoted to Field Sales Representative.

Gabby got promoted to Understudy and Cheech is a Contraband Sniffer.

Gabby needs to learn to 'Roll Over' next so Robert begins her training.

Cynthia got promoted to Internet Movie Critic and brought her colleague Peter home again. It's cute when kids hug their parents when they get home isn't it?

Robert put a lot of hours into training Gabby and finally she can 'Roll Over'.

At 2am on Friday morning Cynthia woke up with a surprise!

Justin made best friends with Luna Curious before school.

and brought a friend home afterwards.

Cynthia is promoted to Fact Checker today and is thinking what to have for supper,
Gabby is promoted to Stunt Double and is thinking how great her doggie job is,
Poor Cheech got a demotion on a chance card and is thinking about where he went wrong,
 and Robert is just thinking about Cynthia.

The yard is in a mess and so Robert set about doing some gardening.

As Cynthia awoke in the early hours of Saturday morning to 'bump number 2' it seems Robert is subconsciously asking if it was in fact the incident in the hot tub that caused this to happen.  (Yes would be the answer to that Robert)!

As she was up Cynthia decided to give Gabby another bath... she does seem to get dirty very quickly.

Justin greeted the delivery girl while still in his pj's.

He later chatted to his Mum's 'baby bump'... he's excited about being a Brother.

Robert got promoted to Junior Executive and after work the family went to Sim Centre South.

Pregnant Cynthia met Pregnant Loki Beaker,

the boys did some fishing (Justin more successfully than his dad)

and a game of Moshulu was enjoyed with neighbours Loki Beaker, Jenny Smith and General Buzz Grunt as well as a few townies.

Back home and Cynthia got her 5th best friend in Heather Huffington.

She likes to look at the picture of her pets on the wall. :)

Cheech got a promotion to Contraband Sniffer.

and at 4.30 on Sunday morning Cynthia's labour began.

A second Son for Cynthia and Robert. He is called Jim.

Yes... Jim Kim. :D 

Another bedroom was added upstairs for Jim as it seemed the easiest option rather than messing the layout downstairs about.

Justin is thrilled to finally meet his little brother.

This is Jim's room.

The day flew by with chores and skills then it was time for some fun.

Cynthia invited a load of friends over to celebrate Justin's advance into Teenhood.

Here he is... he rolled Fortune like his dad but wishes to be a World Class Ballet Dancer in the future.

As a Fortune Sim he already wants to go to college and so what a perfect time to get to know a college student already. He and Heather hit it it off and were friends before the party finished.

And what a great party is was to finish the week here at the Kim's.


This was a fun week. It seems the family will have to wait a while until they go on holiday now although it was part of my plan early on in the week. The best laid plans and all that... :) 
Neither adult is flying through their careers but that's fine, it's been a good week with them teaching the pets and making friendships.
Justin will most likely go to college next round but it's a while before then so who knows what his wishes will be next time.


  1. The Kims are a good family to play, aren't they! I, too, love the running up to and hugging a parent when they return from work.
    The part where everyone is thinking about something or someone was fun :-D
    Good idea to add little Jim Kim's room on the top floor - there is enough room there and no need to alter the garden.

  2. I did enjoy the Kim family. The house good to play with no routing issues that I've found so I thought upstairs was the best place for another room. :)
