Sunday, 25 February 2024

Lothario Family


Back in Pleasantview to visit one of my favourite Sims, Don Lothario!

Don is a Romance Sim with a lifetime wish to become a Hall of Famer. He is currently in the medical profession and today there was no Athletic career available but he has the day off anyway.

He invited Kaylynn the maid over, they have history of course but this time I decided not to pursue it unless Don wishes so of course. He also hired a new maid whilst Kaylynn was visiting.

Don stopped and talked to every townie that walked by and of course they all find him super attractive.

Don took himself off to Main Street as he wished to go swimming. He enjoyed a fun game of Marco Polo with Lyndsay.

As he was about to leave though upon scoping the room he found Good Witch Christy Baity attracted him and so he wasted no time in asking her on a date.

They went to the One Twenty-Five Cafe where they had a nice dinner and dance.

Don pressed his luck and hoped to 'lower his hands'... 

But Christa was having none of that...

She gave Don a good telling off whilst wagging her finger in his face.

He placated her by buying her a coffee before the (great) date ended and he spent a while chatting to other ladies on the lot. :)

Once home Don was about to um, enjoy his first (burnt) ready meal dinner when his friend Nina Caliente asked him on an outing.

They all met at Rodney's Hideout where by now Don was starving. His favourite Cake had just been delivered when it was stolen from under his nose by Benjamin Long!

Don stole it back, but no sooner had he placed it down than this lady stole it from him.

So Don stole it back..

and finally he got to eat his cake!

This all took about 3 hours...I shall never be having a dining party here again, there were 'not enough tables' he was told each time he tried to be seated and it all seemed more trouble than it was worth especially as once he was finally seated his food kept getting stolen. 

In good news though Don began his first day in the Athletic career! He rocks the outfit. :D

One shift later saw him promoted to Minor Leaguer. He treated himself to a new bath after working out for a body skill.

A day off for Don saw him pay the bills and invite Christa over for a date, as per his wishes.

It didn't take long for Christa to fall for Don's charms.

There's a picture you don't see very often. :D

They had a nice chat over pizza before Don saw Christa on her merry way.

She left him a Florid Font, nice! He's backpacked it for now for future resources.

On Thursday before work Don finally made friends with Cassandra again. He was happy that they were on good terms after all the Darren/Don/Cassandra drama of the past.

Don arrived home with a promotion to Rookie and also in time to scare a wolf away who was growling at an old lady walking past. 

Don then invited his friend Calista over and used his smart glasses to charm her.

which didn't take long.... ;)

and another notch in the proverbial Lothario bedpost for Don. 

On Saturday Don had a chance card which fined him and took his funds down to 0! But he did get promoted to Starter when he got home which gave him some funds at least. He also brought a colleague (Lee Mellon) home from work.

Don's date for the evening is Danielle Lillard.

Her and Don enjoyed another dream date.

On Sunday another chance card gave Don a 20K bonus and a great week was crowned by his 4th promotion to All Star!  Don is living the dream.

His other current dream is to go on vacation... so here he goes!

He wanted to visit the Islands and chose to say at the Double Palm Resort on Twikkii Island.

He met local Daisy McCarthy who when asked stated that holiday romances never last but as we know Don isn't really about the long game. :D

Don went down to the South End Beach where he purchased some holiday outfits and souvenirs.

He found local beauty Tracy Royce to be most attractive.

Don changed into more appropriate holiday gear and went off exploring.

Hoping to get a great tan didn't work for Don, he fell asleep on the beach and got very burnt!

He cooled off with a nice swim and exploration around an old shipwreck.

ah Room Service... it's what's life all about eh Don? On that note, where's the mini bar? 

I caught Don hunting for bugs but he ended up finding more 'bugs' than he'd hoped for.

Later that day he saw Tracy at the Boardwalk and asked her on a date.

ahh seems the local girls don't mind so much about 'hand lowering'. 

Don soon had Tracy fall in love with him,

and she was back in his hotel room with him in no time!

Holiday Romance... check!

Don took another trip to the beach for an evening of watching waves, exploring and trying to find treasure. Unfortunately all he got was a nasty nip from a crab.

He enjoyed some culture on the Island though and had several trips as well.

ah, it seems the Island 'fights' have begun.

Digging for treasure paid off for Don when he found a map, fixed some stuff and was happily rewarded.

After all that 'fixing' and one fairly serious electric shock Don enjoyed a nice hot stone massage.

He wanted to test his new Voodoo doll on a local, one of the Vijayaker sisters' but she was too busy arguing with her sister.

While an aggressive local then threatened the dark haired sister Don Voodooed the other into friendship.

oh dear.. then the blonde sister came to her sister's rescue and it seems there will be more than one lot of fights happening in the Islands the next time we visit!

But Don's vacation has come to an end and he was leaving sunburnt but happy.

He just had time to ask the Housekeeper for her number before he left... :D

Back home Don placed his Athletic reward upstairs along with his Medical reward. Body and Mechanical will be so much easier now to get. 

Tracy brought a 'dream date' bouquet all the way from the Islands for him. 

and we leave Don working out for his next promotion. We'll see him next time though!


I always love playing Don, he's so much fun. He wished for the vacation very early on and so I locked that in until such a time as he could afford it. Thankfully his 20K bonus on Sunday settled it and so I 'extended' his week with a few days at the Islands.