Saturday, 22 June 2024

O'Mackey- Gabe


Here we are in Riverblossom Hills at the O'Mackey household. I know that Alexandra should be before Gabe but I forgot and so she shall follow Gabe's story this time around. ;)

Here is Gabe, he was married to Alexandra but they recently divorced and she left the house.

Gabe is a neat freak Knowledge Sim with a Lifetime Wish to be an Education Minister, he is currently a School Teacher so is already on the right path. He needs skills and friends for promotion and would secretly love to write about his sister-in-law Daisy Greenman's life owing to his passion for Literature.

After the divorce it was thought that Gabe could offer their daughter Jules a much more stable environment in which to grow up. Jules is a Popularity Sim with a lifetime wish to reach the dizzy heights of Journalism. She is quite neat and outgoing and would love to continue her Education by attending college.

While Jules was at school Gabe stayed home and earned a Bronze fishing badge (even though it's well into Winter his pond wasn't frozen) until Vamsi Tomyoy walked past, then he invited her in for a game of chess until he befriended her.

Jules brought another Vamsi home (Bradshaw). They talked until they were also friends.

On Tuesday Jules was super creeped out after school when she saw her Dad kissing his good friend Patricia Wan. 

Gabe had just been promoted to University Guest Lecturer and wanted to celebrate!

and he did so by behaving very un-Gabe-like and spontaneously got engaged.

With it being the last few days of Winter it was the perfect time to light a fire and enjoy some sofa related romance whilst Jules was at her teen job.

After which Patricia went home and Gabe helped Jules with her assignment.

On Wednesday morning it was time for a trip to St.Simius

Here are Gabe and Patricia arriving with Patricia's roommate Cleo, Jacob Martin, Rose Greenman, the postie and Nerissa McGreggor.

From the other end arriving are Gabe's twin brother Jason and Leod McGreggor.

Here are the happy couple. Patricia considered Gabe to be a 'Rich Sim' though his 'wealth' wasn't a factor in her decision to marry. She, like her new step-daughter is a Popularity Sim with a Lifetime wish to be a Media Magnate and is already in the career as an Internet Movie Critic. She is neat and outgoing and only brought 233 Simoleons to the household!

The wedding breakfast was enjoyed by all the guests.

A new family photo.

Back home of course the day was yet young and so everyone caught up on a few skills.

Patricia had the day off and met a townie Charlie Seiff. He networked with her to ensure she gets promoted next time she goes to work.

Jules got her first A+.

Which timed nicely as Gabe had invited the Headmaster of the prestigious Sim City Academy over for dinner. Now being a High School Principal himself the evening went very well and Jules was to start at her new private school the very next day.

Patricia finished her shift quite late and did indeed get her promised promotion to Fact Checker.

She still felt a little uncomfortable with having a teenager in the house and her and Gabe did not yet consummate their marriage.

Patricia had got a promotion from a chance card that day so rushed to the bookcase to earn more skills for promotion whilst Jules chatted to a friend.

Gabe came home on Thursday as a College Senior Professor even though he had been fined for a bad decision at work his bonus more than made up for it.

Spring had finally arrived and so Gabe started some vegetable plots.

On Friday Jules spent her morning after breakfast talking to her good friend Robin Wheeler.

After school she got a wish fulfilled when she 'got fit'.

Gabe and Patricia came home from work together, he with not a promotion but with Samantha Ottomas in tow and Patricia did get a promotion to Horoscope Writer.

Another evening of study for everyone.

Saturday was a day off for everyone and they all went to the Town Centre Grocery for some supplies.

Gabe spotted his ex-wife Alexandra first and she was not happy to be the last person in town to know that her ex-husband had remarried!

However she happily met Patricia and they eased into conversation whilst Jules met fellow teen William Parmeley.

Patricia may not have needed to know how much you're in love with your new wife Gabe!

Jules though was happy to see that her parents were finally getting along.

It prompted her to call up college and get some scholarships before making that big step and getting a taxi outta there!

Here is Jules in college. 

She asked her old paperkid friend Robin Wheeler to join her. Robin has a secret crush on Jules.

Then she asked her newest friend William Parmeley to join too! (Who Jules has a little crush on)...(they are in a dorm with Jacob Martin, who is Jules' ex) we will catch up with them soon when we get to William's turn on the list.

Ah what a tangled web we weave. :)

Meanwhile back at home... Patricia and Gabe finally have the house to themselves and spent most of the entire day of Sunday celebrating! :)


This was a fun round, quite a studious family who were all drawn to skilling but also pretty sociable. I wanted to give Jules the chance to get to college and I'm looking forward to playing her sooner than planned now William is on the list and it should make for some fun. :)


  1. A romance-filled week! The photo of Gabe and Patricia making out on the settee in front of the fire is great.
    It will be interesting to see Alexandra‘s side of the story, and then follow Jules through what will no doubt be an eventful Freshman Year at college.


    1. Patricia turned up all the time at Gabe's so I figured they were meant to be for them to be together.
      I shall be playing Jules next after I've blogged Alexandra- (been away this week). :)
