Thursday, 26 October 2023

Cooke Family

Here we are at the modest home of Julien Cooke in Riverblossom Hills.

Julien is a Fast Food Shift Manager... he loves everything food related!

Julien whipped up a chili con carne for lunch...

Just in time for the welcoming committee that comprised Peter Ottomas, Mary Gavigan and Patricia Wan.

Julian's home is fairly sparsely furnished but he has a decent bed and top of the range bathroom furniture.

On Tuesday Patricia Wan and Cleo Shikibu came over for a chat. I should've mentioned that Julien is a Popularity Sim with a wish to have 20 best friends.

After his first shift he brought home Meadow Pederson who gave him a free sample of a TV, if that doesn't make you instant friends I don't know what does. :D

Off to work with a spring in his step, 

After which he made friends with Gilbert Jacquet, a fellow chef.

Julien's interests are rather singular and so he went to Belle's Boutique to buy some magazines to broaden his topics of conversation. 

He meets and greets everyone he sees.

When he's not chatting with neighbours Julien is cooking... not always successfully.

Still, all that cooking earned him a spot at Sue's Kitchen and so he thought he'd try his luck at a cooking competition....

Julien served up some Crepes, his fellow contestants made Spaghetti and Salmon whilst the head chef made a Baked Alaska.

The judge seemed impressed with Julien's entry...

But awarded the Head Chef the first prize this time. 

Julien took it very well, he's not a sore loser and asked the chef for some culinary tips.

After he'd returned home he had a call from one of his fellow contestants for an outing and so they went to try the cuisine at Bernard's Botanical Dining Downtown.

They tried a variety of dishes between them,

and a good time was had by all.

Someone left Julien a telescope as a thank you!

He started off the next day by making best friends with Meadow Pederson.

Off to work as a Prep Cook,

A tough choice for Julien when he lost a quarter of his lifetime savings with a bad decision.

It didn't affect his promotion chance though and he arrived home as a Sous Chef and brought co-worker Bruce Rauscher with him.

Julien walked back for another shift and this time returned home with Kaylynn Spitzig.

Now that Spring has arrived Julien can finally plant out some vegetable beds,

and start his own little Orchard.

On Friday after work Julien is an Executive Chef, he earned 10K and brought LaShawn Cameron home.
 Meadow came by too and joined what was a successful outing at Julien's house.

When Julien isn't working as a chef, or cooking for himself he is watching tv shows about cooking.

He also enjoys his garden.

On Saturday Julien accepted an invite to Oresha Family Dining downtown with Jason Menon, another co worker.

They had a fun time and tried out some different foods.

Julien ends the week by getting a promotion care of his friendship and recent outing with Meadow, he is a Restauranteur and can sense the top of the career looming fast! But that will have to wait until next round.


Julien was quite fun to play if a little one track minded. To be fair he did make plenty of friends this week, whether he can get them all to best friend level is to be seen!
No romantic wishes for Julien, I guess he's all about the Cuisine.


  1. A fun read it was, too - and interesting for me to see all those familiar townies (whom I rarely have my Sims befriend) being colleagues of Julien's. Mary Gavigan was part of his welcome committee in my game, too :-)

    1. It's so much easier to befriend walkby's when you play a single Sim and Julien did bring a lot of friends home from work.
      It's funny how it's often the same Sims who come to welcome isn't it?

  2. I'm just getting back into Sims and Sims blogging after a few years away, and this brings back some good memories.... I'd forgotten about the cooking competitions!

    I'm playing TS3 now, but with a bunch of TS2 Sims (including now-elder Julian), which I recreated in TS3 because they were part of my story. I'm really enjoying it, but now adding cooking competitions to the bunch of things I wish were in both games...
