Saturday 9 September 2023

Capp- Consort


Here we are at Capp Manor in Veronaville. It's a Saturday.

The Manor belongs to Consort Capp, a slightly serious, grim faced man. He lives here with his three Grandchildren, Tybalt, Hermia and Juliette who moved in after the death of their parents.

The youngest Juliette still has her head in the clouds and is in love with the local wannabe lothario, Romeo Monty.

She spends hours on the 'phone talking. Juliette is a Family Sim at heart and wishes to become a Famous Chef one day.

Tybalt is the eldest and most serious, he wants more than anything to become the Mayor of Veronaville.

Hermia is the 'middle child', she is a Family Sim with a wish to send 3 kids to college! Her personality is drawn towards nurture... she cooks for the family (albeit quite basically at present) and was the first to want to find a job.

Although he looks super serious, their Grandad is quite a fun old guy once you get to know him.

He greets The Summerdream family who Hermia invited over earlier.

She wished to fall in love with her boyfriend Puck.

Tybalt's relationship with his siblings isn't great and he has no interest in listening to Juliette's idle gossip.

Consort enjoyed a game of chess with young Puck and they became friends.

Juliette found a part time job in a local burger joint.

After her shift ended her Grandad took the kids to the local shops where the girls bought new outfits and Consort chose a new suit.

Being an Elder Consort wakes up at all sorts of strange hours and so at 3am he found himself at the Crypt O' Nightclub Downtown where he made 4 friends during his visit.

and while he happily eats whatever young Hermia puts in front of him he couldn't resist treating himself to a Lobster dinner whilst out.

The next day (Monday) the kids head off to their Private School.

Consort became a Business Tycoon after his shift. He and Juliette are digging for stuff...

As a special treat and to celebrate his promotion Consort packs them all off on Vacation.

They go to Takemizu Village in the Far East, stay at the best hotel, enjoy lovely local cuisine, chill in the hot springs whilst meeting some locals. Juliette was lucky enough to be granted the gift of teleportation.

The rest of the holiday was spent drinking tea, learning new customs, a visit to Pagoda in the Shadows where they met a mystery man who they befriended but he would not divulge a secret story to them.
Poor Tybalt got conned by a Charlatan. Hermia and Juliette found it most amusing. :D
They had a group meditation before the holiday came to an end and it was time to leave.
One good thing about the vacation is all relationships were vastly improved.

Once home Consort taught his Grandchildren to study.

On Tuesday Tybalt moved to College, he only had a day or so left until adulthood and finally rolled the wish!
He joined his cousin Miranda in her dorm.

Consort now flies to work in style... he could retire of course but he's enjoying his job.

He rolled a wish to ask someone on a date!

He called up his good friend Sandy Kody who he'd met at the Nightclub.

A Lobster dinner for Consort and Cake for Sandy..

and a lovely evening was rounded off with a kiss.

Hermia is an overachiever!  She got the combined A+ and top of career.

Consort has started sowing the seeds to repair his friendship with the Monty family, specifically the elder Monty's, Patrizio and Isabella.

Juliette followed in her sisters' footsteps and also became an overachiever.

The Ghosts of Capp Manor are frequent and tonight is the turn of Caliban and Cleopatra Capp.

Juliette asked Romeo on a date...

They played some poker which bored Romeo...

He's only happy when they are making out... 

Slight concern when a ghost (Calpurnia) came out during the daytime!

Poor Hermia got fired after a wrong decision at work but to lift her spirits she asked Puck on a date..

They had a nice riverside meal... interesting that Hermia has chosen Lobster and her date the cake!

The Capp's get their money's worth from the poor Gardener who stays very late each time she comes and rarely gets all her jobs done.

Calpurnia scared poor Consort while he was doing some quiet painting.

Consort and Hermia are best friends on Thursday morning.

Hermia got her promotion back!

She celebrated at the Lulu Lounge with Puck on a second date.

On Friday Hermia and Juliette bought Mallory Mace and Keith Cormier home after school.

On Saturday Juliette invited Romeo's family over.

Consort donned some smart glasses and begged forgiveness from Patrizio...

and Isabella. They may not be friends yet but are at least working toward it...Patrizio even starts some gardening for Consort.

Things don't seem so rosy for Romeo & Juliette though...

She was more upset than she looks when Romeo turned her down when she asked him to Go Steady!


A fun and action packed week at this weird and wonderful house... it grows on me every time I play it.

How much longer will Consort live? Will things go further with he and Sandy?
Will Hermia head to college or stay at home and start a family sooner... maybe with Puck?
Poor Juliette... are these star crossed lovers doomed or will they grow up together? 
Will Tybalt keep his temper in check to get through college and begin his quest to become Mayor?

We'll find out next time!


  1. I remember the house and garden making playing hard sometimes, with long distances to cover and some slopes on the grounds making gardening difficult. But the house itself is a good one, and I love how Consort is not at all the grim and serious old man he appears to be at first glance.
    Juliette will hopefully find love - maybe get back together with Romeo, or a college romance waits for her…
    They will be my next household, but I‘ll be away now for two weeks and have not finished writing up the week with Albany Capp‘s family.

    1. There certainly aren't any dull moments what with all the dates/outings and ghosts!
      Enjoy your vacation... I have a few days off myself so will no doubt get a few more families/blogs in. :)
