Monday, 25 November 2024

Shikibu Family

We're back in Riverblossom Hills to play Cleo Shikibu. Cleo lives here in the house her Aunt Catherine bought for her at 202 Welsh Lane.

It's always really bugged me that the house is called the 'Wan' household after Cleo's old housemate Patricia even though it's officially Cleo's.
So because I couldn't move single sim Cleo out without her keeping the 'Wan Household' name I added a random Sim to the house, in this case it's former pop star actor Hilary Duff, and then I could move Cleo out. (But not before adding all the goodies in the house to her backpack). I then moved Hilary out and she will probably be seen around the hood and I may or may not add her to the list next round.

Of course I had to cheat funds to get Cleo her house back, but I didn't consider it cheating really as it was a means to an end and I made sure her funds were back down to the 2,000 odd simoleons that were in her account before.

I only made a couple of decor changes downstairs such as wallpaper while Cleo enjoyed the cosy fire.

The upstairs I wasn't super keen on the colours, 

so changed some of them to more natural and muted tones.

Cleo had just jumped out of the shower when she was alerted to the smoke alarm, oops it seemed the rug set on fire.

Thankfully the alarm got the fire service there in double quick time, Cleo likes a man in uniform it seems but only has 1 bolt of attraction to him.
Cleo oddly has the want to have a baby, which I have locked. She is a Fortune Sim with a wish to earn 100K and already a Studio Musician in the Music career she is earning over 1K a day and so will stay in this career for now.

Cleo went to the Round Barn General Stores to see if she could make some friends, she has a few but needs more for promotions.

There were all men here and she made a few new friends even though there were no big bolts of attraction to any of them.

Back home she chatted with the welcome wagon, Trisha Traveller, Nathan Gavigan and Chester Gieke.

The next morning Cleo was up early working on a Charisma skill,

and a body skill a little later. The day passed by quickly while she skilled.

It was her first shift of the week late on Tuesday. No promotion today.

She does enjoy working on her Creative skillset playing her career reward though.

Later Cleo went Downtown where she found the now adult David Ottomas very attractive!

She went to work later where it was decision time.... 

The decision paid off very nicely indeed for Cleo when she also came home with a promotion to Concert Pianist.

On Thursday Cleo asked David on a date and with the help of smart glasses they were soon smitten,

She decided to try for a baby and bells were certainly heard.

After which she wished to get engaged and as I've never played David past the teen/YA stage I went for engagement and wedding straight away.

Here they are in their wedding snapshot.

It was a low key affair but a good party.

David is a Popularity Sim who added just under 2K when he moved in but had lots of friends especially when he made his 10th best friend.
David is also in the Music career as his wish is to become a Rock God.

He left for work and returned as a Battle of the Bands Judge.

Thanks to David Cleo got another promotion.

She enjoyed a nice hot bubble bath when she got home,

in the very early hours of Saturday the first baby bump appeared for these soon-to-be parents.

David got himself a new look and it was nice to finally ditch the hat.

He invited his Mum over to meet his wife. At the time Cleo didn't know any of the Ottomas family so they didn't come to the wedding.

David was given a free TV from his friend Troy.

Baby bump number 2 at 3am on Sunday.

David invited his whole family over and when he greeted 'Everyone' there were a few townies walking by too which made for a big group.

David made Roast Turkey which he would eventually burn, but he served it anyway as he had to rush off to his job as a Roadie.

At just after 4am on Monday morning their new son Akira made his way into the world. 

You'd think David would be fed up of children having grown up in such a big household, but no, he adores his new son and weirdly has rolled the wish to have another baby! Cleo has a wish for a holiday so we will see who gets their wish next time.

This was a lovely week, I haven't played Cleo since my Megahood way back when and I've never played David much at all.
Whether they will stop at one child or have a whole lot more is yet to be seen!

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Sharpe, Edwin- Sophmore Year

We are back in Pleasantview's Académie Le Tour to visit the Sharpe house once more this round. 

Edwin was just enjoying a nice game of chess when the Campus Coach came and told him to start working out- immediately!

Edwin's roommate Jonah Powers thought he'd be safe up in the loft space on his drum kit but no, the Coach found him too.

Once the Coach had left Edwin (who dislikes physical activity) stopped working out and went outside to greet a suited member of the Campus.

But then the Coach came back! Poor Edwin was made to do a ton of sit ups.

Once again the Coach left and Edwin had got down to some skilling when his crush Delilah O'Feefe turned up so he ran outside to greet her.

This head down, sulky face is how much Jonah enjoys going to class... NOT!

Edwin and Delilah happily shared their first kiss.

Later that evening Edwin settled into a game of chess with Jonah while Edwin's sister Roxie (who completes the household) does some Yoga. She loves fitness and so far has escaped the Campus Coach's wrath.

The next morning Roxie tried to hug her Professor but he wasn't have any of that nonsense.

So she resorted to charm/bribery, which worked a treat!

A step too far though when she asked him inside and flirted with him in front of her on/off boyfriend Jonah. Oops.

Jonah was still mad later over supper when he ignored Roxie and just talked to Edwin.

The limousine pulled up a little after 11pm that night...

and Edwin was greeted by the college version of Demi Love.

It didn't take him long to make enough friends to be Big Man on Campus and he even made a best friend.

He was back home in time to finish the first semester with a 4.0 GPA, same as Roxie. Jonah managed a fairly decent 3.6

They went Downtown to the Crypt O'Nightclub where Edwin worked on some fun and body skills (he did lose his belly) while Jonah scoped around and talked to lots of females.

Which worked pretty well until he flirted with the resident Countess and not only got a slap from Roxie (pot-kettle?) but they also became enemies.

Jonah disappeared to the loft when they got back while the siblings worked on a skill each for college.

Edwin of course is a Knowledge sim who wishes to become a Mad Scientist, Roxie is a Romance Sim who wants to be a Rock God while Jonah (also Romance) wishes to be a Celebrity Chef.

Edwin was kind enough to swap rooms with Roxie, she and Jonah had shared a room but not a bed and now she just needed space from him. Which was moot really as Jonah had used some of the household funds to extend the loft space into his own bedroom complete with double bed.

Even at breakfast Jonah avoided eye contact although he did engage in conversation.

Sometimes the camera pans to the latest action and it was one of the college Cheerleaders fighting with one of the Cow Mascots. The Cheerleader won, naturally.

A different Cheerleader and a Streaker then appeared and the latter gave Jonah quite a shock!

It didn't take long for Jonah to charm the Cheerleader Catalina into his bed.

That night it was Roxie's turn to join the Secret Society.

She enjoyed using the career reward to gain a Creativity skill and even seemed to enjoy the buzz it kept giving her.

Once back home her and Jonah lost their enemy status and while they may never be in a romantic relationship they may just become friends again.

They have so little space/tables that the desk serves as the base for their late night pizza.

Jonah was still keeping close to the Countess and when he was up in the middle of the night she happily came over for a chat.

The next day Roxie invited her good friends Alexander Goth and his fiancée Chris Cwik over.

Having recently bought a Makeover station she offered to give Chris a new look,

A new hairstyle and a bit of make up made Chris a happy first client.

The next day the Streaker and cheerleader were back and no prizes for guessing what the topic of Jonah's conversation was. :D

There was no kissing in the end though as the Streaker decided to play the drums instead.

Edwin was studiously working his skills and while Jonah worked on his cooking skills Edwin maxed the logic skill.

Perhaps not what a romance Sim wants is to have someone get too serious with him but that's what happened to Jonah. Luckily he escaped to his final exam where he finished his Junior Year with a B- and 3.4 GPA, his grade actually going down no doubt due to his lack of interest in anything but girls.

But the Sharpe Siblings both got A+ and 4.0 GPA's this year, Roxie will be a Senior like Jonah next time while her baby brother Edwin will start his Junior Year.


Another fun college round where the story pretty much wrote itself, a most entertaining household.  Edwin is pretty serious about Delilah, Roxie has no interest in anyone in particular and Jonah has so many options it's hard to keep track. :)