Saturday, 13 April 2024

Monty- Bianca


We are still in Veronaville, this time at the new apartment of Bianca Monty.

Bianca wasted no time in inviting around Kent Capp, her true love. They got married right there in Bianca's bedroom. Kent is happy as he knows he's married a 'rich Sim' and is now officially a 'Monty'.

They decided to leave for honeymoon straight away and Kent can't keep his hands off his new wife!

In Twikkii Island they rented a luxurious bungalow in the 'Potterhouse' complex which gave them access to the beach right outside their property.

They learned to Hula,

and enjoyed a romantic dinner on the balcony with the waves crashing gently against the sand in the background.

They very much enjoyed their wedding night!

In the early hours they'd gone to South Beach where Kent took so long to befriend the Ghost Captain that it was daybreak by the time he and Bianca learned a Sea Chantey.

As they enjoyed some local cuisine you can see in the background that some of the locals are still fighting amongst themselves.

Bianca (with all the help from Kent with his mechanical skills) was gifted the Voodoo Doll.

This is the first time I have seen not one, but THREE locals get zapped by lightning in one go. :D

Bianca and Kent were much more sensible, they were getting 'steamy' in the Sauna, quite literally. ;)

They had a calm holiday, watching waves and talking for hours.

they even enjoyed some campfire stories at their bungalow with the other residents.

Things got a bit heated on their last morning and Kent destroyed the sandcastle he'd spent hours making while Bianca got a bit overheated when sunbathing.

All too soon they were back home (it's still Monday) and Kent went straight off to work.

Bianca was so exhausted she couldn't even finish her meal.

Kent came home and enjoyed a bit of gossip about his wife with his sister (and next door neighbour) Regan.

On Tuesday they went to Sim Centre North where Bianca couldn't wait to try out her Voodoo doll and used it to befriend Priya Ramaswami.

Kent got a  few shoves from his mother-in-law. 

The only catch Kent caught was a smelly old boot.

Luckily his now pregnant wife Bianca caught and made a delicious fish meal.

She called her parents to apologise again for marrying a Capp without inviting them. :D

On Wednesday Kent set off to work as a Dread Pirate.

Bianca befriended the landlord and told him about her pregnancy.

Later Titania Summerdream came over for dinner and spent a few happy hours here.

Bianca is still looking for Law Enforcement, her dream is to be Captain Hero.

On Thursday evening Bianca went into labour....

It's a girl! They call her Viola.

Luckily the house has two spacious bedrooms.

Kent is a good Dad, he took the night shift.

Finally on Friday Bianca took a job in Law Enforcement. She starts tomorrow.

Bianca invited her parents over to meet her husband and new baby.

Poor Isabella got zapped before she even got to the front door and so left the lot straight away.

Patrizio stayed though and some small progress was made with Kent when they lost 'enemy' status.

aww I love how Patrizio just went upstairs and got Viola out for a cuddle.

It was the perfect time to get a snap of the 3 generations.

On Saturday Bianca befriended Amanda Carlson.

Kent left for a shift as a Warhead Disarmer.

It was time for the Landlord's Saturday gathering and of course it was at Bianca's as there is no yard or shared space on this lot. Bianca and Regan lost their enemy status.

Bianca pushed her luck too far in trying to use the voodoo doll on Regan though and it backfired causing her to itch for a while.

Some good conversation was had though.

Regan's pregnant husband Cornwall even picked up little Viola to give her a bottle while Bianca enjoyed a slice of pizza.

Kent arrived home with a promotion to Hostage Negotiator.

Little Viola grew up.

Bianca came home from her first shift on Saturday night with a promotion to Cadet.

Kent gave Viola a change of hairstyle and taught her some life skills.

On Sunday morning a Nanny was hired so Bianca and Kent could go to work.

Kent came home as an International Sim of Mystery having earned 25K to date,

while Bianca managed a promotion to Patrol Officer, not bad for a couple of shifts.


This week flew by at Bianca's. It seemed destiny for her to marry Kent and I tweaked a couple of their likes/dislikes and gave Kent some facial hair to give them three bolts for each other.

Sometimes it feels like the career will never come around when you want it to but I lucked out in the end for Bianca. Kent is already almost at his LTW, perhaps next time?


  1. They achieved a lot during that week! My favourite bit was about Patrizio getting to know his little granddaughter, and that some of the former enemies are slowly coming round to more civilised relationships.

  2. It's nice that the families are starting to blend a bit without so many confrontations! I enjoyed the week here.

  3. I remember those hot pools on Twikki Island being a real magnet for lightening zaps, although I don't think I ever had 3 sims hit in one go!

    Nice to see all the relationships improving between the families, and little Viola is adorable. A very satisfying play session for them.

    1. Yes it was nice to see yet another 'first' even after all these years of playing!
      While I quite like the families getting along I have to say I enjoy a little conflict between them, makes for interesting stories!
