Friday, 21 July 2023

Aspir Family

Welcome to The Aspir Family!  The first family on the alphabetical list of Sims2.
They live on this large lot where the house is separated into two parts- one for Victor, his wife Elizabeth and their toddler daughter Pauline, and the other for Victor's dad, Luis.

Victor wants desperately to have more children though his wife Elizabeth is more reluctant...she is happy working her way through a career in Business.

The neighbours' come for a visit and Luis & Victor entertain The Traveller's and Herb Goodie over lunch.

Victor works the night shift at the hospital so has plenty of time to spend with his young Daughter.

Elizabeth comes home with a promotion and as she's in such a good mood Victor asks her on a date night...

Victor is busy trying on new clothes when Elizabeth sneaks in to the cubicle...

and the rest... as they say... is history.  :D

Luis is the oldest Sim I've come across in this game, he is 87 days old and decides it's time to get a bit fitter.

He also found a lamp up in his loft space and decides to make a wish to 'cheat death'.

Meanwhile Victor teaches young Pauline how to walk.

Luis loves all things mechanical and as there was an old banger on his driveway he started on getting it into some sort of working order.

Elizabeth isn't very domesticated but she enjoys bathtime with Pauline.

Grandpa Luis is always there as a babysitter when the adults are at work.

and today is there to see his beloved Grandchild grow into a child.

The old Toddler nursery gets a makeover

into a fun bedroom for Pauline.

Later Elizabeth is feeling very queasy...

"Do you know Pa, I think you might get that next Grandchild you've been hankering over quite soon!"

Pauline wants to make a friend but doesn't have a lot in common with the newspaper delivery person.

After her first day of school, and a new haircut, she gets help from Victor with her homework.

Victor heads off to the night shift at the hospital. 

and Grandpa Luis let Pauline stay up a little later than usual to watch his favourite cooking show.

Over a late supper Elizabeth shows her pregnancy.

Her best friend Hannah Bell is the first to be told.

Victor meanwhile enjoys a bit of stargazing in the evenings but so far his feet have stayed firmly on the ground.

                      After school the next day Pauline made a new friend.

Soon enough Elizabeth goes into labour...

Twins!!  Elizabeth gives Victor not one new son but two! They are called Rafael and Alejandro.

Luis tells his son that it's never too early to be thinking ahead for Education.

Meanwhile Elizabeth is happy that her Maternity leave is over and she can get back to work!

After work Elizabeth took her Father-in-Law's advice and invited the Headmaster of the local private school over where a very successful visit was had and he was happy to have Pauline begin at his school on Monday.

Luis maxed out his Mechanical skill on Saturday after a long and laborious week working on the car.

Into the night he started spray painting to add the finishing touches.

The end of the week came about very quickly with a day of chatting, skilling and ending with Luis helping his Grandsons grow up! 

While Victor teaches Rafael to talk young Pauline sits with her other brother Alejandro and befriends him while he skills up.

Elizabeth got back to working on her Silver Sewing Badge...she managed to gain a Bronze this week.

and finally... Luis finished the car! What will he do with it? He is now 93 days old and may be a tad too old to drive.. will he gift it to someone? We'll have to wait and see.

That ends the week at the Aspir Family. A most enjoyable week.

My style of play this time is to lock one 'big' wish each day and fulfill that... hence why Elizabeth had public woohoo... Victor got his baby, Pauline a friend and Luis got to wish to 'Cheat Death' among other wants.

I will also go to one Community lot each time, have family over on Sundays where possible. (Natasha Una is Luis' cousin and while they spoke on the 'phone a lot they never got together this week as life was hectic with the twins).

Also Sims will retire at 70 and everything else I will make up as I go along. :D


  1. It's great to see you playing and blogging again! :-)
    The Aspirs in both our games have the same conditions to begin with, but things have turned out rather different after the first week. Do their LTWs match their Maxis-written biographies in your game?
    Now that you mention retiring your Sims at 70, I wonder whether this time anyone will roll the want to retire - in New Max, no Sim ever did.

    1. Both Victor and Elizabeth want to reach the top of the Intelligence career & Luis to be a City Planner which will never happen. :D
      I often find my Senior's roll the wish to retire as soon as they turn Elder.. but it vanishes fairly quickly so I guess if they have parties you might not always catch it.
      I really enjoyed playing again... Thanks for stopping by :)

    2. In my game, Luis is a retired City Planner :-)
      No elderly Sim in New Max has ever rolled the wish to retire, party or no party; I always looked carefully. Same as the sudden changes of LTW I experienced in some households, I guess this was due somehow to the merging of all hoods into one.
