Monday, 31 July 2023

Beare Family


Welcome to our first outing at Uni! We are at SimState University which is attached to Strangetown in my game.

In the spirit of keeping things alphabetically I shall only be controlling the Sim who I am here to play.

Here he is... Kevin Beare. He is a Family Sim with a LTW to become an Education Minister. He is in his Freshman Year and is a Psychology Major which is fine for his career unless he rolls a wish to choose another Major.

I will of course make sure his house mates have the necessary skills for their course this year and will each do one assignment. Other than that it's up to them to take themselves to class/amuse themselves.

This is Joshua Ruben... the bringer of pizza. He's perpetually hungry it seems but it's good because only Castor Nova has cooking skills so far.

Here is Castor talking with Ashley Pitts.. Ashley is the oldest in the house- he's in his Sophomore year.

Kevin invites people over to the Greek house- lead by Martin Ruben (brother of Joshua).

Kevin is most pleased of all to welcome the cool girls from the Sorority House.

His big wish is to fall in love, he checks out all the ladies... he likes Allegra,

and Jane Stacks... in fact pretty much every girl he 'checked out' seemed to meet his criteria.. or maybe he's a bit desparate for love?!

Martin catches up with his brother.

Kevin can chat with his professor to boost his class skill...

and actually go to class too... :)

Upon moving in I sold everything in the loft space- including the staircases... (I don't want Sims wasting time hiking up and down those). I bought Kevin a nice bed and changed the lounge area a little to include the piano and a chess table.

The next day Tiffany came by... Kevin seems to like her the most and keeps rolling wishes to talk to her etc. 

Things were going so well until the PT coach came by and started to scream at Kevin to get in shape... he was so mortified she made him do this in front of everyone, especially Tiffany.

The next morning after he had made a bunch of daisies on his newly acquired Floristry bench he started getting himself into shape.

Well of course the results won't be instant but if he tries hard enough...

and maybe eats a little less of the free pizza... he should get there!

The first semester flew by in a breeze.

The guys discuss their summer plans over breakfast... 

hmm, there's much cheating in chess before the party guests arrive that Kevin has invited.

The Mascot is always entertaining to the Young Adults.

Kevin went in for a flirt with Tiffany right in front of Joshua who obviously had a crush on her (unbeknown to me).

Well I guess he doesn't anymore. :D

He was still ranting about it later on to her house mate Brittany Upsnott.

After the party Kevin got back to working on his Bronze floristry whilst Castor  started playing with a bunch of leaves.

As Ashley and Castor consume yet another pizza Kevin works on his Yoga skill..

hmmm, not sure 'FacePlant' is actually a yoga move though. 

Still, his hard work paid off and Kevin got himself in better shape!

He finally felt confident enough to ask Tiffany on a date...

which came with a bit of a slap from Joshua who clearly hadn't got over his crush.

Tiffany however didn't seem phased at all and spent the night.

The next morning Kevin already has his thoughts on engagement... 

But as the Year has come to a close, that will have to wait until next time!

Well that was a fun year. I guess I shot myself in the foot a bit not checking all the guys histories but sometimes that makes the game play itself out a bit more.
Just one change in status in the Greek house even though they all seemed to be constantly talking! No outings this time either as the house always seemed full of Sims.
Next is the Bell Family.

Sunday, 30 July 2023

Beaker Family

Welcome to the Beaker family. Residing here are Loki & Circe Beaker and their 'friend' Nervous Subject.

It seems like Circe is coming up with a painful way for her husband to experiment on poor Nervous.

Loki & Circe live right up on the hill in Strangetown away from prying eyes in this rather imposing looking house. 
Circe wants to get a promotion and so on this Thursday morning our story starts she heads off to work until she can find the job she really craves which is to join the Intelligence Service. 

While Circe is gone Loki sets about his first experiment with poor Nervous...

and carries on until Nervous passes out.

Once he's awake it's not long before Nervous has a breakdown.

After a good counselling session he's back on his feet.

Going with his Doctor's advice (Step 1) he makes some calls to increase his social and make a friend.

He then does Step 2, which is to find a job. Only the Criminal track is available but Nervous figures it will get him out of the house and earning his own money.

Three girls walk past and Nervous says hi... one is Kristen Singles and the other is Erin Singles- sister of Loki.

They have a nice chat and Nervous reveals his plan to move out as soon as he can afford it.

Meanwhile the third visitor (Lola Singles) is chatting about finance with Loki over the lunch he prepared.

Circe gets her promotion to Resident.

She is greeted by a very unexpected show of affection from her husband!

Loki goes back to doing what he does best... Cleaning.

Nervous is... well...nervous. He's been invited out to dinner...

By his Mother... the notorious Olive Specter.

She starts to grill Nervous about his love life... how she knows his wish in life is to reach his Golden Anniversary is anyone's guess... not that it's likely she'll be around long enough to witness that party.

The next day Circe heads to H&M Strangetown to buy some new clothes.

She grilled up some hotdogs and spent a few hours chatting with townies.

Loki keeps rolling wishes to have a baby and so to the telescope he goes... plus he needs Logic for a promotion. ;)

Loki invited his sister Erin and her friends over.

Nervous makes a best friend of his Mum. Who'd have thought it?

Of course where there is a chessboard and some not so nice folks.. there's bound to be cheating...

and again...

and again... :D

yay, Nervous did at least get something out of it... one of his first skill points!

Loki is obsessed with babies at the moment... baby talk and toys...

He persuaded Circe to try for a baby, but I think her womb is as barren as her heart...

In the early stages of Monday morning Nervous implements Step 3 and moves out! His Therapy is complete!

He 'acquired' a little furniture from the Beaker household and saved enough to be able to pay rent on his own apartment. He will join us later in the round when we get around to 'S' in the alphabetical list.

Circe wakes up and finds a job in the Intelligence career.

Loki is getting closer in his dream to be a Mad Scientist... I mean he's already there in my opinion but it's the title he wants. Now he's a Top Secret Researcher.

Circe earns a logic skill from a chance card and is now a Reconnaissance Communicator.

Their friend Pascal Curious calls in... he was really Nervous' friend but after a visit or two earlier in the week he befriended Loki.

I guess when you're tired, you're tired... :)

After Nervous 'acquired' the furnishings from his old bedroom Loki put a Sauna downstairs... he and Circe are still trying for a baby but even the heat from the sauna won't melt Circe's frozen heart.

Circe needs to earn a creativity skill point and sits in the old chair her husband once used to torture poor Nervous.

I think she quite enjoyed the 'buzz'...

Meanwhile all that stargazing has paid off for Loki and he is whipped up into a spacecraft!

Although Circe was distressed at him being abducted, she celebrated his return.

"Argh... I feel sick!".
wow.. that was quick!

Loki spent the morning with his head in the toilet before going to work.

Circe invited Loki's sister and friends over, they bought Chloe this time instead of her sister Lola. 

Loki got a good guess on a chance card and a promotion.

He arrived home early to find his wife and friends in the garden. He can't resist telling Chloe all about his abduction. 

A little later that day he sits and passes time with Olive, who he got to know when Nervous lived with him.

Loki awoke in the night... with a bump!

Sadly we will have to wait a looooong time until we find out the next chapter in Loki's adventure!

I actually really enjoyed this week even though I don't care for the house and it's many uneven floor levels!
Loki was much more sociable than I thought which made up for Circe not being particularly bothered. She is only interested in money and buying stuff and so Loki made the friends as well as skilled, a lot.

This house started on a Thursday and so I played a full week- I'm not too fussed about getting all Sims on a same-day start. As long as I play a week about I'm good with it.